(07/05/2015, 13:45)Feer uid='108' Escreveu: Mais um mascarado, 600 caps do mangá até descobrirmos quem é
Akatsuki ainda, sobrou alguém vivo da Akatsuki? Orochimaru e Hidan (preso), deve ser o Orochimaru msm
Mais um Uchiha gay
Alguém sabe quantos caps vai ter esse Gaiden? uns 6 igual o Kakashi Gaiden?
So Sasuke has a fucking cellphone and still hasnt talked to nor seen Sakura or Sarada since her birth?
Its like Sasuke is going out of his way to be a shitty parent
(...) Teoria sobre o Sharingan da Sarada ter sido roubado ou perdido no nascimento (...)
Also another theory. Sarada is indeed connected to Karin but not because they are mother and daughter but because Sarada has Karin's actual eyes. Eye transplants in the Naruto universe are an easy procedure so this part isn't too far fetched. Maybe Karin donated her eyes? Or let her suck chakra from her? This could explain why she is wearing the same glasses; because they are actually Karin's eyes! fudging fudge.
(07/05/2015, 14:49)Morgiana uid='2434' Escreveu: [–]SgtWiggles 368 points 12 hours ago
So Sasuke has a fucking cellphone and still hasnt talked to nor seen Sakura or Sarada since her birth?
Its like Sasuke is going out of his way to be a shitty parent
(...) Teoria sobre o Sharingan da Sarada ter sido roubado ou perdido no nascimento (...)
Also another theory. Sarada is indeed connected to Karin but not because they are mother and daughter but because Sarada has Karin's actual eyes. Eye transplants in the Naruto universe are an easy procedure so this part isn't too far fetched. Maybe Karin donated her eyes? Or let her suck chakra from her? This could explain why she is wearing the same glasses; because they are actually Karin's eyes! fudging fudge.
legal a ultima teoria, nao quero pensar que a sakura ta cuidando do filho dos outros lol
entao o sharingan que apareceu com o mlk estranho seriam da sarada ou tiraram de outro lugar?
(07/05/2015, 14:57)Dragneel04 uid='463' Escreveu: legal a ultima teoria, nao quero pensar que a sakura ta cuidando do filho dos outros lol
entao o sharingan que apareceu com o mlk estranho seriam da sarada ou tiraram de outro lugar?
O único problema é que se aquele Sharingan fosse o roubado da Sarada, a reação do Sasuke e Naruto teriam sido diferente (eles já saberiam o que era, ao invés de ficarem surpresos por ter visto um Sharingan).
Ou outra possibilidade que tô imaginando: roubaram o Sharingan da Sarada, mas sem ninguém saber ao certo. Por ex: ela já nasceu sem olhos ou algo do tipo.
(07/05/2015, 14:49)Morgiana uid='2434' Escreveu: (...) Teoria sobre o Sharingan da Sarada ter sido roubado ou perdido no nascimento (...)
Also another theory. Sarada is indeed connected to Karin but not because they are mother and daughter but because Sarada has Karin's actual eyes. Eye transplants in the Naruto universe are an easy procedure so this part isn't too far fetched. Maybe Karin donated her eyes? Or let her suck chakra from her? This could explain why she is wearing the same glasses; because they are actually Karin's eyes! fudging fudge.
Tbm gostei dessa teoria.
No momento, só quero saber se a sarada é ou não filha da Sakura. Pq se ela for filha do sasuke e da karin, juro que largo naruto e que ele vai pra minha lista negra que nem existe! Até porque Naruto já acabou, e agora vai se chamar Boruto. AUHAUHAHUHHAHUAHUA . brinks :3