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Militarismo [aka Caça mais lindo]
Tópico em 'Vale tudo' criado por
Sorenant em 14/11/2012, 16:16.
215 respostas neste tópico
14/11/2012, 22:43 |
Não saco nada de aeronáutica mas prefiro helicopteros (tipo cougar e blackhawk, que existem nas FFAAs).
De caças eu diria que imbatíveis são os Valkyries. Passarei a curtir mais os caças no dia em que inventarem um que cria pernas e braços ![]()
15/11/2012, 15:54 |
![]() VS
Brazil's civil helicopter fleet
E podemos comprar um no carnê!
15/11/2012, 20:24 |
Controversial F-22 Raptor Suffers ‘Class A’ Accident During Test Flight
An F-22 Raptor — an upwards of $150 million plane by Lockheed Martin that had many delays during production and since has been the center of a controversy involving pilot’s health — has been in a “Class A” accident. During a training flight last Thursday, Dave Majumdar for Flight reports, the Raptor flown by a student pilot was in an accident that is worth more than $2 million in damage. The pilot was not injured. According to the U.S. Air Force Accident Investigation Board, a Class A accident is one that results in a ”fatality or total permanent disability, loss of an aircraft, or property damage of $2 million or more.” Flight reports the Air Force saying they expect the damage caused in this accident will be repaired. The Air Force has not released details about the accident or the damage, but did note that the oxygen system, which has been accused of failing at times within the last few years causing some pilots to experience “hypoxia,” was not a factor in this accident. According to Flight, this was only the pilot’s second time flying the plane after he had been trained first in an academic and simulator setting. Recently, two Air Force pilots with whistleblower status speaking out against the oxygen system feared they could eventually lose their jobs for not flying in the planes. The two men felt they were being punished and even agreed to get back in the cockpit fearing further reprimand. The Air Force stated that these pilots were in fact protected under whistleblower status. Last year, the Raptor was grounded for five months after the oxygen system malfunctioned. From 2008 through 2011, there were 12 reported cases of hypoxia conditions where the pilots experienced inattentiveness, blackouts and even seizures. The Air Force has the planes back in the air but as recently as the end of February, it said it hadn’t quite pinpointed the exact problem with the oxygen system. And just last week, the Pentagon announced that it had awarded Lockheed Martin a $19 million contract to install an automatic backup oxygen system in the F-22 Raptors as a precaution. Reuters reports that 40 planes will be retrofitted with the additional system. fonte Desperdício da porra. Poderiam mandar os destroços pro Brasil, tenho certeza que a fab iria aceitar com prazer o trabalho de 'cuidar' desse 'lixo'. ![]() Um pedaço do meu coração foi estuprado e assassinado. ;-;
17/11/2012, 02:37 |
Sobre o assunto, há até um anime que usa muito helicóptero.
Yomigaeru Sora: Rescue Wings Gostei bastante do anime alias, fala de um piloto que o sonho dele era ser piloto de caça, mas foi "rebaixado" para piloto de resgate. Foi até o sub do rapier que legendou em pt br. Recomendo. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
17/11/2012, 17:50 |
Imagina um cara com tantas medalhas andando por ai, o barulho que deve fazer.
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17/11/2012, 19:37 |
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