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[Tópico Oficial] TYPE-MOON

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Ciel ficou boa, a Akiha bonita como sempre mas infelizmente a Arcueid ficou estranha. Triste
Gostava da saia longa dela e tal, era elegante.
Arcueid e Akiha estão ok. Mas Ciel nem parece a mesma personagem.
A Ciel ta mais feminina nesse traço, tambem quero ver como ela fica como executioner.

Espero que esteja tão badass quanto a antiga versão.
Mais informações esparsas e imagens sobre Fate/Apocrypha. Peguei do /jp/.

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[Imagem: 1355660957459.jpg]

The backstory goes that after the Third Grail War in the 40's, a nagus family stole the Greater Grail and absconded with it to their family territory in Romania.

Then nothing happened (the 4th and 5th Grail War never happened) until today, some 10-15 years after when the 5th war's start day in F/SN. Suddenly the grail went active and this family summoned 7 Servants. The Clock Tower decided to make them cut this shit out for reasons yet to be explained and kind of hacked into the grail system so they could summon a team of servants as well, mucking up whatever the family was going to do with the ritual.

Now the Clock Towers team is going in to take out the family's servants (and probably the Grail itself). To further complicate things, the Grail itself summoned a servant, Joan of Arc as Ruler, a special class that acts as a referee of sorts. She's loyal to no one but the Grail War itself as a game.

Referente a primeira imagem: Leftmost (Gordes): Summoned the Black Saber with a bloodstained leaf of a Sacred Fig tree as a catalyst (Siegfried). A gigantic douchebag (Not in the text).
Second from left (Selenik): Summoned the Black Rider with a glass bottle which had a liquid stain left on it as a catalyst. Rather attached to Rider.
Third from left (Danik): Black Lancer's Master. Catalyst not stated. Plundered the Holy Grail from the Third Holy Grail War of Fuyuki, is almost a century old despite looking in his 20s.
Fourth from left (Fiore): An adorable girl assumed to be Danik's successor. Summoned the Black Archer using an ancient arrow as a catalyst (Atalanta).
Fifth from left (Cowles?): Fiore's little brother, is immature and childish beneath his age. Summoned the Black Berserker, with the blueprints of the 'Ideal Human' as a catalyst (Frankenstein).
Sixth from left (Rosie?): Thirteen-years-old, and already famous in the field of 'Doll Engineering'. Respectfully refers to the Black Caster she has summoned by 'Sensei', their relationship is close to that of a teacher-student. Spends all her time building golems in a workshop in the city for the Holy Grail War.

Big guy in the black jacket is a freelancing Necromancer. Summoned Red Saber with a splinter of the Round Table. Main character is the necromancer (guy with sunglasses), and Mordred's master. Mordred is confirmed to be female

Black team: Siegfried, Astolfo, Atalanta, Frankenstein, Black Caster, Jack the Ripper, Black Lancer.
Red team: Mordred, Saint George, David, Spartacus, Semiramis, Red Caster, Red Lancer.
Então é uma história paralela mesmo do que uma expansão né ? bem, ta interessante, tem potencial, e adoro a Clock Tower, só tem fdp lá.
(16/12/2012, 15:35)JoaoZangetsu Escreveu: Então é uma história paralela mesmo do que uma expansão né ? bem, ta interessante, tem potencial, e adoro a Clock Tower, só tem fdp lá.

Sim, os eventos de F/Z e F/SN nunca aconteceram nesta timeline.
Parece que o Waver está em Fate/Apocrypha como Lord El Melloi II, muito escroto.
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