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(2013Q2) - Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai. (2nd)

Tópico em 'Ano 2013' criado por martec em 05/02/2013, 08:42.
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(22/06/2013, 22:06)jasque Escreveu: Nah, até a Kud tem mais corpo que isso aí


Spoiler: Imagem  
[Imagem: P254ZVn.jpg]

Olha essas coxas

De que anime é essa Kud?
(23/06/2013, 20:02)Ryunosuke Escreveu: De que anime é essa Kud?

Little Busters!
Episódio 12

Pelo visto o Fushimi spoilou o volume 12 pra equipe do anime ^^

A cena da confissão na LN é essa:

Spoiler: ln volume 10  

Saying that to myself, I left the room and locked the door. On my way down the stairs, I met Ayase. She was wearing a cute duffle jacket.
I raised one of my hands and greeted her. She nodded to me.
"Onii-san didn't seem surprised to meet me here."
"Because I got the feeling that I would see you here."
"It has been a month."
After the exam ended, Ayase didn't come again.
Since Kirino's request lasted only 'until the exam is over', so that was expected.
"Oh? Your hairstyle… Did you change it?"
"Ah, I can't believe the dense onii-san would notice that."
"Hey, I'm not that dense."
Ayase shot me a mocking glance then said:
"No, you are that dense. Haha, forget it, this isn’t important. I'm happy because you noticed it — I went to the same beauty salon with Kirino earlier.
"Yes, she told me too."
"I only did a simple haircut. But Kirino has become much cuter, right?"
"A bit."
Damn right. Kirino is now super cute. Why did she have to go that far?
Ayase laughed and said:
"Onii-san can only voice his true feelings when she isn't around."
Embarrassed, I changed the topic.
"It's nice seeing you here."
"Do you need me from something, onii-san?"
"Yeah, I have something to tell you, I need to thank you, and lastly I have something to ask you."
Hearing that, Ayase immediately told me:
"Congratulations on getting an A, onii-san."
"Did Kirino tell you?"
"No – but I believed that onii-san could get an A without a problem."
"Well… I would be humiliated if I got a B…"
Of course, I'm happy because you believed in me.
I scratched the back of my head in embarrassment, but I finally managed to thank her.
"Thank you for your help."
Ayase placed one hand on her chest.
"Onii-san, you earned it on your own."
"But that is because you helped me."
I truly believed so. I couldn't do anything big on my own. That is who I am. Sometimes, I even did things without considering the consequences.
"But I believe everything is onii-san's own strength. Oh right, onii-san, do you want to ask about Kakei-chan?"
She’s sharp.
Sayaka's blog didn't update since that day —
"So how did it end?"
"I buried her body at the mountain."
"…I hope you didn't take my joke as something serious?"
Ayase said, "It's a joke," and knitted her eyes brows.
"…Ahahaha… a joke… ahahah…"
I thought it was a murderer's confession.
"Really… just how does onii-san see me? I took her to the agency to apologize to Mikagami-san, and I plan to bring her to onii-san's home to apologize and pay for the medical bill."
"Hey, my injury isn’t that bad."
It seems like Ayase-senpai is seriously trying to teach her junior.
"Did you two make up?"
"I'm not sure. For me, I only forgave her after I spanked her behind."
You already gave your punishment? So scary, senpai.
Ayase was smiling when she said she spanked her, she continued:
"But I still haven't decided what I should do with the blog."
"How about you turn it into your official fan page?"
"The content is so disgusting, I absolutely can't allow it." Ayase said firmly.
"Oh right — onii-san, there is something I want to tell you."
"Hm? That is?"
Well, she did come here to find me, so I knew that you had something to tell me. Still, I have no idea what would make Ayase come find me — I prepared myself, but…
She didn't say anything.
She finally looked at me, and said seriously.
"Onii-san. You had already realized that I was lying —"
"Ah… so you meant about… that…"
"Although it's too late — but that day when I made up with Kirino, after I got back home and… sent that message to you, I had already understood everything… But I took advantage of your kindness… I made you into a villain… I even lied to myself."
— To the lying onii-san.
"I wanted to apologize to you — but I couldn't say it…"
"Don't worry about it. But… What about you?"
If you told me that, didn't that mean you couldn't lie to yourself anymore?
"It's fine."
Ayase smiled:
"Thank you for your concern. I knew that during this month, onii-san has been thinking about me. Onii-san hoped that I could convince myself, so that I could keep being Kirino's friend —"
"Was that why you didn't try to contact me?"
"…Actually I have some other reasons."
"Haha, I see."
She showed a profound smile, then reverted back to the original expression and said:
"In short — I'm fine."
Her voice sounded firm.
"I'm no longer that against Kirino's hobby… Beside, someday I will have to stop lying to myself. This is a good chance for that."
"I see…"
Suddenly, Ayase's expression sank.
"I'm very sorry. I have done so many horrible things to you —"
"That's fine. I did that on my own."
We were having a conversation that we couldn't have had in September, last year.
No… more accurately, I should say that we could only face it now.
"I have also lied you, sorry."
"Please don't say that."
We both bowed to each other. After a while, she whispered:
"…Although I hates lies. There is another kind of lie… a white lie."
Not all lies were out of malice.
"Ah, by the way, I still think that onii-san should just die because of your joke 'please marry me'."
Damn. She is going to settle that old debt now.
"Ah… it can't be helped."
Ayase sighed:
[Imagem: 180px-Oreimo10_348.jpg]

[Imagem: magnify-clip.png]

"Onii-san is a big liar."
Her voice suddenly became quite serious.
"Not only that, you are perverted, lewd, and also a siscon, lolicon and a huge masochist."
You don't have to say it.
When I was about to apologize — my body froze.
Because while scolding me, there were tears in Ayase's eyes.
"Every time we met, you sexually harassed me, made me angry…"
Her voice was trembling and getting weaker and weaker.
"You are such a kind idiot; you like to butt your nose in other's business."
She wiped away her tears with her sleeve, her voice firm.
"Not only you are dense, unreasonable and kind, but you always troubled me —"
"But that is the onii-san who I fell in love with."

Depois disso corta e só volta no volume 12(antes de chegar nessa parte, ainda enrola um pouco com um flashback deles vivendo juntos, o que foi mostrado nesse ep):

Spoiler: LN volume 12  

  1. - I ------------- was confessed to by Ayase.
  2. - The tears have disappeared from her eyes. Along with all kinds of embarrassing memories, the feelings also have changed.
  3. - "Really... all kinds of experiences."
  4. - "Ah... really mementos, although they happened only a short while ago."
  5. - I raised my head and looked at the apartment.
  6. - I stayed for two months in this No.201. That narrow, little room is the place where me and Ayase spent so much time together.
  7. - Although I initially couldn't wait to move back home, when the time came, I really felt reluctant. That surely is because me and Ayase stayed there together----------
  8. - When dating Ayase, the experience will surely be like the experiences of that time.
  9. - "Onii-san.... please answer me."
  10. - "Ah, ah ---- Ayase."
  11. - "Yes"
  12. - "I'm sorry. I, already have a person I love."
  14. - My answer was set long ago. She must have understood that a long ago.
  15. - "...............Idiot.............."
  16. - Tears are continuously pouring out of Ayase's eyes, streaming down her face.
  17. - "Idiot!"
  18. - A heavy slap's coming!
  19. - "O, o, onii-san you idiot!" Peng! The first one; Ayase slapped upon my chest. "Idiot, Idiot, Idiot!" Peng, peng, peng, peng, hammering on my chest, like she wants to hammer her feelings into my chest.... "Why isn't it me! You did say you want to marry me! You did sexually harass me countless times!"
  20. - "Ayase... listen to me, I"
  22. - "Don't make jokes, we did do H things!"
  24. - "Wait, we never did H things, okay!"
  25. - In this serious environment she could not resist a ridiculous joke! She absolutely said a ridiculous joke.
  26. - But, but there's no way around it, right!? There's no way I can let that slide, right?!
  27. - "We, we did! Please don't play dumb!"
  28. - "No we didn't, no we didn't, no we didn't! We for sure didn't!"
  29. - Although I sound like the most TM scum, we really didn't!
  30. - Now there is no opportunity to insert an explenation! But please believe me!
  31. - "I don't believe it... we really did, right....! - , Have you forgotten it...?"
  32. - Ayase, teary and with anger rising in her eyes pierces me with her gaze.
  33. - "Tha, that time ------------ you, you, you, you, you saw my breasts, didn't you!"
  34. - "You mean that with H!"
  35. - It's the experience we reminisced about just before! That's hugely confusing!
  36. - "That was an accident, okay! It was the mischief of a naughty little kid!"
  37. - "Just because it was an accident you think this H doesn't matter?! Please bear the responsibility!"
  38. - "First, can you please stop describing that 'Seeing the breasts incident' as H?! What do we do if people living nearby hear that?!"
  39. - My reputation in the neighbourhood is already in a bad shape!
  40. - I doesn't need a 'Very H incident'!
  41. - "Urusai, urusai, urusai! If you don't go out with me I will kill you!"
  42. - "A, Ayase!"
  43. - In order to bring her back to senses I raised my voice.
  44. - Next, I dropped my voice again, and used the most serious tone I could manage, in order to convey my feelings
  45. - "------------ That's not possible, I can't date you. It's already my definite decision."
  46. - I'm very very happy and honoured, but my answer won't change.
  47. - "........Eh"
  48. - Upon hearing my words, Ayase still was a little bit angry, and created a "Hngh!" sound with her nose.
  49. - "That's right. Replying at this time in this fashion, that's onii-san."
  50. - She did know my answer, but still let out all her anger and conveyed her feelings to me.
  51. - "Onii-san's a big liar, really too cunning. Only at the last moment do you utter your true feelings."
  52. - "Ayase..."
  53. - ".......... I already started to care about you, the first time we met."
  54. - "................"
  55. - "In the past I made some wrong assumptions. The onii-san of the Kirino I like the most seemed to be a very gentle person ....... if I could marry him, Kirino would be like my sister.... I once imagined such embarrassing things."
  56. - Her cheeks turned red, while she reminisced.
  57. - "The more I imagine, the stronger it got.... Then, I don't know how many times, did onii-san leave me disenchanted.... Afterwards, I every time started to dream again, on a new basis...."
  58. - Looking back... since we met, far too many different kinds of things happened.
  59. - Even though we did not meet each other all that often, the memories with Ayase are deeply ingrained in my heart.
  60. - "Before I knew it, I had fallen deeply in love with you."
  61. - Ayase pushed herself with all her ability and managed a bitter smile.
  62. - "........................"
  63. - "........................."
  64. - The two of us at this moment only stared at each other.
  65. - "Nah, onii-san."
  66. - "Ahuh.... what?"
  67. - "You have bewildered my heart, so can you please bear responsibility?"
  68. - As I can't take responsibility by going out with her, in that moment, I didn't understand what she meant.
  69. - "Honestly... onii-san is really slow. When we part, isn't there something we always do?"
  70. - "Ah, oh"
  72. - 'You hentai! Die!!!!!'
  74. - "Haha, you mean that."
  75. - "Yes, just like that."
  76. - Even without explaining to everybody, you all know what is meant, right. On the one hand I felt sad, on the other hand cherishing.
  77. - I faced her, standing tall and prepared myself.
  78. - "Okay! Do it!"
  79. - Use that move to kick me into the air ------------ although this still won't solve her anger ---------- If it's like in the past, tomorrow for sure, we will be able to return to the way we always were.
  80. - "Then, I'll do it."
  81. - Oy.... Ayase, you honestly take a running start......!
  82. - Ayase stormed towards me.
  83. - "---------------------"
  84. - I closed my eyes and prepared for a violent hit. But, the next moment wasn't painful.
  86. - Chu
  88. - But rather like that, a gentle lip contact
  89. - "......!"
  90. - I touched my face and opened my eyes.
  91. - There was a feeling like time had stopped. Although in reality perhaps only a few seconds had passed, it felt to me like an entire hour.
  92. - Finally, Ayase slowly moved away her lips.
  93. - Her face was completely red and tears were still accumulated in her eyes, just like that we looked at each other from a close distance.
  94. - After giving me this violent strike, she in the end said with a smile
  95. - "Bye, onii-san. I, detest you the most.

"Namora comigo ou te mato!"

Melhor confissão ever Icon_lol

Se disserem que foi meio do nada no anime vou ter que concordar, teve muita coisa que não mostrou...
A história da stalker por exemplo, que pelo visto devem mostrar depois.
(23/06/2013, 20:05)llNoNickll Escreveu: Little Busters!

acabei de ver que voce rspondeu o xisps,vl mesmo assim ^^
(23/06/2013, 19:21)nando3d Escreveu: Ep.12

Como assim, não era assim que terminava o volume 10Crying

Spoiler: Imagem  
[Imagem: vader.jpg]

Meu episódio mais esperado se tornou o mais odiado Icon_lol
Droga, tenho que ler o volume 11 e o 12 o quanto antes. Foda-se a faculdade e o trabalho Icon_twisted

Tu se deu mal, o anime já te spoilou 1 capítulo do volume 12 Icon_lol
(23/06/2013, 17:01)uuvine Escreveu: seria uma boa hehe Icon_e_biggrin

se tem uma coisa que nunca veremos é um cosplay da manami

Agradeço por isso hhahahah
(23/06/2013, 20:06)Ryunosuke Escreveu: acabei de ver que voce rspondeu o xisps,vl mesmo assim ^^

[ Essa imagem é do VN ] ²

Recomendo o VN, pois o anime a 2 temporada só em Outubro (além disso, o anime não chega nem perto do VN magnifico)
VN?Não sei ler em Jp,nem manjo muito de ingles,ai fica meio fd4,e meu pc é horrivel,então nada esta ao meu favor...então tem manga dele?qual seria melhor eu ver? manga ou anime?Talvez uma LN(nunca li uma :/ )
(23/06/2013, 20:11)jasque Escreveu: Tu se deu mal, o anime já te spoilou 1 capítulo do volume 12 Icon_lol

[Imagem: VISH.PNG]
(23/06/2013, 20:21)Ryunosuke Escreveu: @AmagamiBr
VN?Não sei ler em Jp,nem manjo muito de ingles,ai fica meio fd4,e meu pc é horrivel,então nada esta ao meu favor...então tem manga dele?qual seria melhor eu ver? manga ou anime?Talvez uma LN(nunca li uma :/ )

Dica para jogar VNs que estão em English (que é o caso do Little Busters) em português 


Não tem mangá, mas recomendo o VN mesmo.

Se quiser ver o Anime não tem problema, mas não saiu a 2 temporada ainda.
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