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(2011Q3) - Mawaru Penguin Drum

Tópico em 'Ano 2011 e anteriores' criado por martec em 08/07/2011, 20:48.
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558 respostas neste tópico
É o Zeitgeist! O Zeitgeist!

Mas para você ver, não sabe como terminar a história? SUCO DE LARANJA!
Só falta Mawaru seguir o Zeigeist e terminar em limonada.

Limonada > Laranjada.
(20/11/2011, 08:58)Panino Manino Escreveu: Madoka tem dois mangás, um que reconta a série de TV e outro spin off, Orico.
Ambos já vão ser publicados no ocidente.

E daqui a pouco devem anunciar uma novel de Madoka pelo menos, se demorar é apenas por fazerem um panejamento mais cuidadoso. Já em dois, ou três filmes da série anunciados.

São, 3 não?

Tem o mangá da Kazumi Magica tb.

Bom, na minha opinião o maior mérito de Madoka foi o impacto comercial. Não acho isso necessariamente ruim.

A sacada deles foi mt manjadora.
Falo dos pvs, trollando que era so um anime sobre garotas magicas felizes e saltitantes:

Não achei o final de Madoka la a melhor coisa do mundo, mas também não foi tão ruim como alguns acharam.
Eu estava lá no mal vendo respostas e respondendo também e entramos em uma linha de pensamento interessante.
Estou com preguiça de traduzir agora, então depois eu faço isso.

puella-magi Escreveu:I don't think that Shouma is actually Himari's fated one, but then again I could just be going into denial because I'm a strong supporter of Himari/Kanba. Shouma and Himari just don't go together. Look at everything Ringo has done for Shouma. Look how much Kanba goes through to save Himari. There's no way that they're the pairing that's meant to be.

Panino Manino Escreveu:Quer sejam o Shouma e a Himari o par destinado não importa. A série não é justamente sobre lutar e mudar o destino?

puella-magi Escreveu:Estou imaginando que desde que a Momoka tenha a habilidade de trocar linhas de tempo entre si, ela inadvertidamente bagunçou esta e faz com quê vários eventos saíssem de sincronia. Shouma é a pessoa destinada ao invés do Mario. Himari é adotada ao invés do SHouma (Kanba e Himari se parecem muito mais com seus pais para eles não serem relacionados, de forma qeu SHouma é...).

Panino Manin Escreveu:Observação muito interessante.
Que bagunça...
Mas eu vejo inconsistências.

No episódio #9, o menino calça sapatos azuis, e a menina veste um vestido com o cabelo preso. Isso é muito diferente das roupas que vemos no episódio #19.

[Imagem: acg2f.jpg]
[Imagem: e96v6h.jpg]

O local do encontro também é diferente.
No episódio #19 eles estão na esteira.
No episódio #9 não parece que a Himari estava sendo "salva".

[Imagem: qswqrk.jpg]

Ele também parece estar de botas.

A voz do menino parece ser diferente, e o cabelo também parece ter um penteado diferente daquele do Shouma.

[Imagem: xp21ap.jpg]
[Imagem: 15wjlfb.jpg]

Orulyon Escreveu:Excelente observação. Precisamente, o cabelo do menino combina muito mais com o penteado do Kanba... E eu nunca vi a Himari com aquele penteado... Acho que o Ikuhara vai nos trollar outra vez, sei lá como.
Mas nessa imagem da abertura, é ele o noivo dela, que pelo design excluiria o Mario na hora, mas não Kanba ou Shou já que eles tem o cabelo similar.

[Imagem: shouop.jpg]

*random time*Also in episode 9 Sanetoshi talks about the answer that Himari seeks is on the "Destination of Fate" place (child broiler?) and also there it is the answer of whose bride she is. and that´s when we got the first flashback of Himari and her fated one. The lyrics of the song playing in that scene "(...) now remember the spectacular past,(...), now remember the time when we loved each other (...). "
Also another thing: Why would Shou give a fate apple to Himari and tie his destiny with her, if he clearly states on the first episode that he hates Destiny.
/ ends rant

Raven_Shinobi Escreveu:Nice posts, PaninaManina and Orulyon. At first, I was under the impression that Mario was Himari's fated person because he appreaed on the same episode Sanetoshi mentioned that Himari was someone's bride - him donning a penguin hat with a crown and being a figment of Himari's imagination at the aquarium only enforced that belief. Then, in the episode with Masako's past we saw child Kanba, and I thought how he with his messy hair and prominent ears matched the silhoutte of the boy from Ep 9 and the one dancing with Himari in the second OP. Then, it was revealed in this episode that it was Shouma.

Is Ikuhara trolling us? The conversation between Sanetoshi and Himari foreshadowed that her past, memory and current life might not be what she thought it was, and the episode ended with Masako trying to refresh her memory and Himari remembering by herself. And it will not be considered good writing if Himari's memory after all this buildup turned out to be false.

Is the contradiction between the silhouttes from Ep 9 and Himari's memory a result of something that Momoka did like another poster mentioned? Also, if memory serves me, and I hope someone confirms this to me, I remember in the episode where Kanba visits Masako that she mentions them being in the broiler in the past, and if this is true I wonder if Himari and Kanba met in there, he was the one who offerred her the apple, which resulted in Masako's hatred towards Himari.

Panino Manino Escreveu:Penso que se uma coisa é certa é que a Himari é adotada.
Mesmo que ela se pareça com a mãe, eu ainda insisto que ela é filha de outro casamento.

Esse casal é definitivamente Kanba e Momoka (no corpo da Himari?)

[Imagem: shouop.jpg]

Não consigo ver o Shouma ali, ele não tem jogo de corpo para dançar daquele jeito, e todos nós vimos com nossos olhos a cumplicidade entre o Kanba e a Princesa do Cristal.
Acho que a confusão que está acontecendo aqui é porque a Momoka mudou tanto a realidade que acabou embaralhando os relacionamentos entre os personagens. Assim não podemos ter certeza do motivo da Princesa ejetar o Shouma da "Estratégia de Sobrevivência" e pegar o tempo de vida do Kanba. Se o Shouma é a "Pessoa Destinada", isso faz sentido, mas só isso encaixa, e tudo o mais não.

Pensando sobre como a Yuri se lembra da realidade anterior que foi alterada, posso imaginar que a pessoa beneficiada mantenha suas memórias originais. E quando há outra mudança de realidade, beneficiando outra pessoa, as memórias daquela pessoa permanecem? Elas combinam? Em ambos os casos elas não terão inconsistências com a nova realidade? Isso pode explicar a confusão, a razão de termos visto um cena em particular no episódio #9 e termos visto a mesma cena de forma diferente no episódio #19. A razão da Masako saber da pessoa destinada da Himari, mesmo que não saibamos exatamente sobre quem ela fala.

Vendo como todos na história parecem apenas desejar pelo bem e felicidade, fico até assustado de pensar que possa haver uma crítica sobre isso aqui. Sobre como a solução mágica da Momoka, que queria fazer a todos felizes ao ponto de se sacrificar completamente terminou por causar ainda mais confusão e sofrimento.

Sério.... se a "moral da história" pender um pouco para esse lado eu vou ficar seriamente deprimido.

Momoka é o Diabo.

Começou a ser vendidos dos discos.
Como já havíamos visto, a qualidade da versão da TV é muito boa. Ao contrário de um Shaft que faz as coisas tortas e incompletas para economizar dinheiro e terminar a tempo, o Brains Base só economizou em algumas animações movimentadas. Pegou os keyframes e fez uma gambiarra, o que causava aqueles fantasmas. Agora isso acabou, eles parecem ter completado os quados que faltavam e fizeram alguns pequenos retorques em detalhes menores. Não mudou nada, ficou apenas mais caprichado.
(21/11/2011, 14:50)Panino Manino Escreveu: Começou a ser vendidos dos discos.
Como já havíamos visto, a qualidade da versão da TV é muito boa. Ao contrário de um Shaft que faz as coisas tortas e incompletas para economizar dinheiro e terminar a tempo, o Brains Base só economizou em algumas animações movimentadas. Pegou os keyframes e fez uma gambiarra, o que causava aqueles fantasmas. Agora isso acabou, eles parecem ter completado os quados que faltavam e fizeram alguns pequenos retorques em detalhes menores. Não mudou nada, ficou apenas mais caprichado.

esse post ai eu tinha visto...
realmente completaram alguns frames que tavam faltando..

mas não é isso que me surpreendi...
não pensei que Panino acompanhava o blog yaraon Icon_lolIcon_lol
E não conheço, peguei o link do MAL.
Só que os links das imagens não abrem.
Postagem do soulelle no MAL, no tópico do episódio #17

soulelle Escreveu:[Imagem: qttemphp8984.png]

Tokyo Tower caught inside the bottle from this point of view resembles the lamp lit by a fire way too much. This is yet another reference to Tokyo Tower being the flaming torch. Which means that Tokyo Tower symbolizes Momoka herself. So basically, Momoka turned into the Tokyo Tower to pay the price for the crime, Takakuras' parents, being part of the Pingforce, were up to. And it was still not enough to prevent the mass murder.. but I guess there could've been way more injuries in that 95 accident. In fact, just like in an IRL '95 accident, there could have been so many more casualties and deaths - it's a miracle in itself there were only a few deaths...
Anyway, such an irony that Yuri, the one who wants Momoka back so much, says the line: "This room is so cold. We need curtains." - just when both Yuri and Tabuki are gazing at the Tokyo Tower, at the flaming torch, at Momoka, from their apartments. She tries to touch it with her hand, but to no avail... They miss the warmth and love, Momoka had brought them once. And they're blind to it now, even though she's right there, right in front of them. This blindness is so beatifully portrayed! Just look in Tabuki's glasses reflection - no tower there. However, it's perfectly reflected in the building itself. The reality in their eyes is replaced with their own "truth". They're of no difference to Takakuras' parents, putting their beliefs, their desire to bring back Momoka, over others' lifes, even though they know better than everybody else, that it was Momoka's own decision to try and save the world and to pay for it the appropriate price.

By the way, why Tabuki drinks from two different glasses? And why does the 2nd glass has a metallic support stem? I can't read this properly... He didn't finish the drink in the first glass either before he drinks form the 2nd one. What's the meaning behind this? Any ideas anyone?
Could it be... that the 2nd glass contained some drug put there by Yuri? This could explain Tabuki's sudden change of mind... it doesn't explaing the metallic stem though... it's as if that glass was broken in the past... hmm... I don't get it.. don't get it at all... could this glass be the reason of his scars? It's a totally crazy idea.. why would a 7-8 year-old child have a scar from a broken champagne glass...besides those scars were there to let us guess if he used the Diary to change the fate....

Another two things from Yuri - Masako battle.

[Imagem: qttempsv8984.png]

This kanji means Sky, Heavens. This is yet another reference the Other World being located in the underground (parking). GOD! I BET that this whole War in Heaven scene is another reference to the Book of Revelation! And Yuri's falling feathers only makes it look like SHE IS THE FALLEN ANGEL. Or rather is going to become one. As I stated long ago.. after episode 8 or 9... apocalypse is ahead of us, at the destination of fate. I don't see other reasons why would Shouma's train ticket from ep.1 points the 12.21 as the expiration date. Yes, I know it's only 2011, not 2012, hehe...
Speaking about trains and railway.. Could it be that the HSR sign on Yuri's weapone refers to High Speed Rail? As in, with this tool, you quickly reach your destination fo fate - death xD Oh well, that would be indeed smart and funny unless ithe sign says HSK. And I'm confused about it. I was sure it's HSR up until this very moment... but if it's HSK.. I've got no ideas so far behing it's meaning... Just like I've got no ideas what that Sun icon means. Any ideas?

Apart from Tabuki chaning his mind all of a sudden, I didn't get why Ringo doesn't remember anything what happened with Yuri at the Inn? Did she really forget everything? And why does Shouma didn't tell or at least warn her about anything? Damn that Shouma, he really is an imbecile sometimes xDD Has he already forgotten things how he has been told about the fate derailing by PoC, right before she collapsed? Why haven't you even discussed this with Kamba at all? Baka...

And yes, I totally agree with MapleRose. Rather than a diary, Penguindrum is Love in the first case. Kamba's red heart, his love for Himari, is what PoC's objective during the Survivaly Strategy is. See how Kamba behaves? He says - it can't be me anymore! I sinned! I did dirty stuff, I joined Pingforce! I'm already on the wrong side! But what do we hear as the answer? PoC replies, no, it's fine! I still see the Love in your heart! I can see you regret your sins! You can still be excused for your sins and turn to the good side, it's not too late. This makes it another good hint that Momoka = Jesus Christ = PoC. The whole idea behind this episode's Seizon Senryaku's is: God will accept you no matter your sins - just open up to him and he will forgive you. What a pun on the episode title, the Unforgiven...
Oh, another thing worthy of noting here is how both Himari and PoC use the word SECRET. Who are you sewing the sweaters for? It's a secret! But it's a thank you gift for their love!
What is a Penguindrum? It's a secret! But it looks like a red apple in your chest.
"The apple is also a reward for those who has chosen love over everything else" - this line from ep.1 alone connects the apple with a thank you gift and love. Although, one could say that I'm ridiculously overthinking when treating Kamba's heart as an apple.
But anyway, Love looks like the most obvious answer to what is the key for the diary to work. Momoka was the essence of Love herslef, that's why she could use the diary so easily...

I still don't get Tabuki's and Yuri's actions... if you guys want Momoka back, why of all things did you stop Ringo from turning into Momoka to begin with? Did you believe that she doesn't truly Love Tabuki thus the diary won't work? But if you did, why are you, Yuri, trying to do it again yourself??? This... I really don't get this Triste

Regardless, ep.17 makes me think, that in order for Shouma to obtain the penguindrum, Ringo has to suffer. Similarly to how he suffered while trying to save her in episode 8. This guy is so dense, that unless something critical happens to her, he won't realize how much he has already fallen for her. That's why I think that in the next episode, Ringo, trying to protect Himari from Tabuki, might end up hurting herself. Only then Shouma might snap out of his dumbness and start fighting for real... I hope so... at least, in the next episode preview No.2 saved the diary...

Oh, that remind me, No.2 returns with TWO diaries, or I'd rather say with two halves: the Golden one and the Silver one. It's not a secret, that cold moon-resembling Silver is associated with Yin, while that shiny Golden with Yang. No.2 bringing back the diary split into these separate halves pretty much defines the sides of the owner or the respecting diary halves: Masako, declining Sanetoshi's offer to join that train owns the Golden first half of the diary, while Yuri thus owns the Silver, second half of the diary. Yin and Yang, the good and the evil, are at war. So let's see where we're taken next.

Sorry for another wall of text ^_^;
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Só algumas partes, mas não quis ficar picotando.
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