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(01/06/2012, 17:44)jasque Escreveu: "This Site Has Been Moved to a New Server.

It may be possible to restore access to this site by following these instructions for clearing your dns cache."


Deu isso aqui também.

Aí depois que entrei o forum tinha resetado para o dia 25 de maio, inclusive a ordem dos tópicos nos mais recentes.

Aí limpei o DNS e resolveu.
(01/06/2012, 17:44)jasque Escreveu: "This Site Has Been Moved to a New Server.

It may be possible to restore access to this site by following these instructions for clearing your dns cache."


meu deu isso tambem, mas mudei para e funcionou
que bizarro...
até parece que eu estou mal tratando o domínio Icon_lolIcon_lol

daqui a pouco vou checar como ta domínio.... mas é para estar exatamente igual com ...
(01/06/2012, 17:52)Thanos Escreveu: Deu isso aqui também.

Aí depois que entrei o forum tinha resetado para o dia 25 de maio, inclusive a ordem dos tópicos nos mais recentes.

Aí limpei o DNS e resolveu.

(01/06/2012, 18:01)Emp Highwind Escreveu: meu deu isso tambem, mas mudei para e funcionou

Quando eu tentava pelo subete aparecia mas depois que logava não dava em nada, aparecia a mensagem
(depois de dar flushdns)

Mas parece que agora deu, to logado nos dois domínios.
Se bem que eu dei flush na outra máquina, acho que foi isso, porque aqui é rede.
verifiquei aqui a configuração são exatamente iguais...

talvez seja por isso...

CloudFlare (email) Escreveu:Hi minnasuki

For the last 9 months, CloudFlare has been testing our Automatic IPv6 Gateway. The results have been awesome. Today, more than 15,000 sites use CloudFlare's Gateway for IPv6 support and we've already become the 4th largest provider of IPv6 connectivity in the world. This is great but we can do better.

Ahead of World IPv6 Day on June 6, we are making an effort to dramatically expand the size of the IPv6 web. Over the course of this week we are enabling IPv6 mode for all of CloudFlare's customers. This email is to let you know you just joined the future and your sites on CloudFlare now support IPv6 using the Automatic IPv6 Gateway. You can test your new IPv6 compatibility by following the links below: (Test IPv6 Support) (Test IPv6 Support)

CloudFlare has issued the Global IPv6 Challenge. We hope you'll Tweet and Post that your site is now part of the modern Internet. If you want to learn more, we've include a FAQ below.

Welcome to the future!

The CloudFlare Team

== FAQ =================

* Is there anything I need to do?

No. The Automatic IPv6 Gateway is enabled automatically. It is transparent to your existing setup, so your hosting provider doesn't need to support IPv6 in order for you to receive IPv6 visitors. Visitors on the IPv6 network can now access your site. From your site's perspective, they will be connecting over your existing IPv4 network.

* Does this cost anything?

No. We believe it is important for the web to expand IPv6 support so we're providing it to any website for free.

* Does this create any performance or security concerns?

No. We've enabled the Automatic IPv6 Gateway in SAFE mode. This doesn't change anything about how connections are established to your server. SAFE mode only enables IPv6 on specific subdomains. This helps ensure that networks with broken IPv6 implementations won't impact your regular traffic.

* What if I want to turn it off?

You can shut off the Automatic IPv6 Gateway from your CloudFlare settings page. You can get there by going to: > My websites > CloudFlare settings > IPv6 Gateway: Off

* This requires a special IPv6 subdomain, what if I want to enable full dual-stack mode for my site?

The Automatic IPv6 Gateway supports two modes: SAFE and FULL. SAFE mode requires IPv6 visitors to go to a special subdomain. FULL mode enables dual-stack support so both IPv4 and IPv6 visitors can use the same domains. Ideally, all sites should support FULL dual-stack IPv6.

Unfortunately, last year's World IPv6 Day revealed that a small percentage of networks have flaws that caused connection problems for sites with dual-stack IPv6 implementations. We're happy to report that, based on our testing, over the last year most issues have been fixed. We're comfortable enough with dual-stack IPv6 that all of CloudFlare's own sites are now running in FULL mode. Google, Yahoo, Facebook, and other Internet giants are all permanently implementing full dual-stack on World IPv6 Day.

If you want to support FULL dual-stack IPv6 mode yourself ahead of World IPv6 Day on June 6, you can click here to enable it on all your CloudFlare-powered sites.

* Will this enable IPv6 support for email or other non-web protocols?

No. The Automatic IPv6 Gateway only works for web traffic since that is all CloudFlare proxies web traffic (HTTP/HTTPS). If you have a service provider that supports IPv6, you can setup AAAA IPv6 records through the CloudFlare DNS Manager.

* My host already supports IPv6, do I need the Automatic IPv6 Gateway?

While it won't hurt anything to have it on, if your hosting provider already has IPv6 support, then you don't need to enable the Automatic IPv6 Gateway. Do check to make sure you have your host's AAAA IPv6 records in your CloudFlare DNS Manager.

* Where can I learn more about CloudFlare's IPv6 support and World IPv6 Day?

Here are some links where you can learn more:

The CloudFlare Team

CloudFlare Team

To stop receiving periodic newsletters from CloudFlare please update your settings here.
lol ontem eu tive uns problemas aqui no pc, mas consegui resolver, restaurei o sistema, depois disso sempre que eu abro um tópico daqui do forum aparece uma janela de erro como nome javascript e a mensagem "erro: document.URL is undefined" quando abro a página inicial ou um indice de tópico não acontece nada, só quando abro o tópico mesmo com as mensagens e tal... também não aconteceu com nenhum outro site até agora :? ajuda plz (uso o firefox na versão + atualizada)

resolvido... bastou só remover o plugin do microsoft silverlight que tinha sido instalado aqui... quem diria que daria problema... o.o
(12/06/2012, 13:58)Saito Escreveu: lol ontem eu tive uns problemas aqui no pc, mas consegui resolver, restaurei o sistema, depois disso sempre que eu abro um tópico daqui do forum aparece uma janela de erro como nome javascript e a mensagem "erro: document.URL is undefined" quando abro a página inicial ou um indice de tópico não acontece nada, só quando abro o tópico mesmo com as mensagens e tal... também não aconteceu com nenhum outro site até agora :? ajuda plz (uso o firefox na versão + atualizada)

resolvido... bastou só remover o plugin do microsoft silverlight que tinha sido instalado aqui... quem diria que daria problema... o.o

silverlight dá problema?
que estranho...
vai ver dava problema de compatibilidade com o java, sei lá...
(12/06/2012, 15:29)Saito Escreveu: vai ver dava problema de compatibilidade com o java, sei lá...

um dia desse eu faço teste...
nem sei se isso ta instalado...
Aqui tá dando problema no, só o endereço tá funcionando.
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