Citar:The story follows humans as they struggle to survive against the threat of the shapeshifting gigantic alien monsters called Gauna. The manga begins a thousand years after humans flee from Earth, which was supposedly destroyed by the Gauna, aboard massive spaceships created from the remains of the planet. The Gauna follow the emigration ships into space, forcing the humans to create large mechanized weapons called Guardians to protect themselves. Most people in the surviving human population is screened and drafted as Guardian pilots since young age if they are shown to be capable of piloting the mecha. The story focuses on one of such ships named Sidonia which developed its own human culture closely based on that of Japan and where human cloning, asexual reproduction and human engineering such as controlled hybrid human/animal mutations and human photosynthesis are commonplace.
The main character is Tanikaze Nagate, who lived in the underground layer of Sidonia since birth. Never having met anyone, he trains himself in an old Guardian pilot simulator every day, eventually mastering it. Later he ventures out and after being tested in a new simulator he is selected as a Guardian pilot, in hopes of defending Sidonia from the Gauna's attack using his incredible combat skills.
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Sidonia no Kishi
Tópico em 'Mangás, Light novels & Visual novels' criado por
Sorenant em 23/09/2012, 22:15.
3 respostas neste tópico
02/07/2014, 22:41 |
Vou reviver esse tópico porque tá valendo a pena ler esse mangá
![]() Alguém viu o raw do 63? Não sei bem o que pensar a respeito...
03/07/2014, 09:29 |
Boa, comecei a ler e parei no 1° volume pois demora muito para sair as RAWS.
Voltarei a reler, pois é trampo do Nihei.
23/07/2014, 23:52 |
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