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Hanekawa Tsubasa Tsubasa Cat II - [Open Thread]

Tópico em 'Vale tudo' criado por Shiokazu em 07/04/2012, 20:04.
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15167 respostas neste tópico
(01/10/2012, 00:27)JoaoZangetsu Escreveu: Como tudo isso começou ?

a muito tempo atraz no egito antigo, um faraó...
now i know why i exist.
The Art of trolling peoples tatics.
[Imagem: 2egbofr.jpg]
You have something to tell about my Angry Hair, guy from the season nobody likes?
(01/10/2012, 00:55)Night Escreveu: You have something to tell about my Angry Hair, guy from the season nobody likes?

[Imagem: vics51.png]
[Imagem: 408416_147851432024339_2139173628_n_zps99884238.jpg]

I just need my Angry Hair and my Millenium Puzzle to obliterate you.
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