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Confirmaram os "features" que serão implementados no Mybb 1.8

MyBB 1.8 Roadmap :  This thread will be kept up to date with the latest news, features and bug fixes that are happening during the development of MyBB 1.8.
At present, we plan to introduce the following into MyBB 1.8:
  • New Default Theme
    • Front End Theme
      • Introduce a new front end default theme which bridges the gap in style/design between 1.x and 2.x. It should also introduce MyBB’s new branding and connect to other products & services MyBB will be offering (mods site, community forums). Will also include:
      • CSS buttons
      • PNG images
      • Sprite images
      • Fugue icons as replacement for FamFamFam
      • Attachable base colours (allows one theme to contain multiple colour types)
      • Jump To Page in pagination
      • Relative time (up to 1 hour, Today up to 24 hours, Yesterday up to 48 hours, exact date/time)

    • Back End (ACP) Theme
      • Introduce a new back end default theme to compliment the changes in the front end. Will also include:
      • Improved news feed and update notifications - we need people to know when security releases are announced
      • Replace CodePress; CodeMirror?
      • Stylesheet minification
      • Load stylesheets in a particular display order
      • Show plugins in two groups; inactive and active
      • Ability to create own template groups
      • Integrate Admin CP PIN
      • Banning improvements - ability to search for users, add Ban option to user menu, link to user front end profile

  • Conversion to jQuery
  • General Improvements
    • Add trim() to search users input
    • Change trim() in templates to rtrim()
    • Add ‘reported posts’ to ACP stats
    • Ability to prune PMs?
    • Full compatibility with CDN
    • A tool to rebuild reputation
    • In-built contact us form (replaces contact link)
    • A warnings class, rather than a crap load of functions
    • RESEARCH: Security questions for forgot password/change email/password (is 2-factor auth possible?)
    • Poll improvements; maximum votes per user; show poll end date publically
    • Copy/move posts to another thread
    • Ability to delete default help topics
    • RESEARCH: Can users see their own awaiting-approval posts?
    • RESEARCH: Multiple attachment upload? (jQuery?)
    • Improvements to custom profile fields in profile; hide if none?
    • If user is invisible & permissions disallow, hide all public data
    • Post reputation should include thread subject
    • Remove Avatar Gallery; integrate Gravatar
    • Delete post on full edit should not show if no permission to delete
    • Should be no hard-coded HTML
    • Add the option to stick/unstuck threads to custom tools
    • Custom mod tools to have option to send PM to a thread author?
    • Users cannot rate their own posts
    • format_avatar() function
    • Allowable avatar upload extensions
    • CAPTCHA options (clean up reCAPTCHA method)
    • Preview Announcements
    • Minimum post length to exclude MyCode
    • IPv6 Features (log all ‘locked out’ instances)
    • APC cache handler
    • Login handler
    • Soft Delete
    • $cache->delete method
    • is_member() function
    • delete_user() function
    • User activation method
    • IP addresses in PMs
    • Receive mail when user is activated
    • Don't ask for validation if email verification is disabled
    • Slow reply posting in long threads

  • Report Centre
    • Group reports together rather than separate reports (more reports should be higher in list; priority)
    • Ability to report different content types

  • ”Spam Ninja”
    • Integrate goodbye spammer
    • Check new members against SFS
    • Report profiles for spam

Some of these features may have already been implemented but not yet marked off. Not all new features may have been added to this list.

Release Date: TBC

Alguns recursos que achei interessantes:
  • Poll improvements; maximum votes per user; show poll end date publically
  • Copy/move posts to another thread
  • Improvements to custom profile fields in profile; hide if none?
  • Post reputation should include thread subject
  • Minimum post length to exclude MyCode
  • Soft Delete
  • Jump To Page in pagination
Não sei se foi só comigo, mas a versão Mobile ficou bem mais rápida também. E gostei desse novo "quadradinho" com o perfil

Nossa conta de twitter foi alterada de @Frum_SM para @F_MinnaSuki.

Botão seguir na página inicial do fórum.

Martec, não entendi isso de usar gravatar pra por um novo avatar no forum. Como funciona?
(27/04/2013, 20:55)Ton Tavares Escreveu: Martec, não entendi isso de usar gravatar pra por um novo avatar no forum. Como funciona?

só criar conta e upar por lá...
depois coloque e-mail que usou lá aqui

Nossa conta de twitter foi alterada novamente (sorry Sorry ) de @F_MinnaSuki para @Frum_MinnaSuki.

Botão seguir na página inicial do fórum.

Twitter? NTNT.

Agora "Edição Rápida" também suporta Sceditor.
"edição rápida" com editor ficou bem prático pessoalmente...
agora nem preciso mais escolher opção "edição completa" para adicionar video, imagens etc...
(03/05/2013, 10:04)martec Escreveu: "edição rápida" com editor ficou bem prático pessoalmente...
agora nem preciso mais escolher opção "edição completa" para adicionar video, imagens etc...

E no Apart Black melhorou também. Antes na Edição Rápida ficava com letra escura em cima de fundo escuro e mal dava pra ler. Agora é letra branca sobre o fundo escuro, que nem na Edição Completa.
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