22/12/2015, 15:20
(Resposta editada pela última vez 24/10/2017, 10:01 por jamessonic.)
![[Imagem: Qon0BwB.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/Qon0BwB.jpg)
Ficha técnica:
Título: Dies irae
Título alternativo: Sinônimo: - | Japonês: ディエス・イレ | Abreviatura: -
Formato: Série de TV
Gênero: Ação, Magia (segundo MAL)
Obra original: Visual Novel
Público alvo da obra original: Male
Editora (Label): Light
Escrito por: -
Site oficial: -
Estúdio: -
Produtora: Genco
Diretor: -
Supervisor do script: -
Character Design: -
Data de estréia: 2017
Emissora: -
Previsão do número de episódios: -
Maiores informações: [Wikipedia (EN) | Wikipedia (PT) | MyAnimeList | AnimeNewsNetwork | AniDB]
Sinopse ANN: The game and anime's story features an alternate history of World War II. On May 1, 1945 in Berlin, as the Red Army raises the Soviet flag over the Reichskanzlei, a group of Nazi officers conduct a ritual. For them, the slaughter in the city is nothing but the perfect ritual sacrifice in order to bring back the Order of the 13 Lances, a group of supermen whose coming would bring the world's destruction. Years later, no one knows if this group of officers succeeded, or whether they lived or died. Few know of their existence, and even those who knew began to pass away as the decades passed.
Now in December in the present day in Suwahara City, Ren Fujii spends his days at the hospital. It has been 2 months since the incident that brought him to the hospital: a fight with his friend Shirou Yusa where they almost tried to kill each other. He tries to value what he has left to him, but every night he sees the same dream: A guillotine. Murderers who hunt people, and the black clothed knights who pursue the murderers. He is desperate to return to his normal, everyday life, but even now he hears Shirou's words: "Everyone who remains in this city eventually loses their minds."