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(2014Q3) - Aldnoah.Zero

Tópico em 'Ano 2014' criado por martec em 17/02/2014, 17:08.
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(06/07/2014, 20:50)Raffael Escreveu:
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[Imagem: rogU78v.jpg]

Crueldade isso que fizeram com o Brasil... Icon_lolIcon_lol
Cara nem tinah reparado estamos todos mortos nesse universo =/
pior que eh mesmo Icon_lol

Sempre sobra "só" o Japão e não foi diferente dessa vez.
Oloko, quanto ódio contra a Huêlandia, nem o Acre deixaram intacto, deve ser por causa da copa do mundo que os japas não passaram para as oitavas Icon_lolIcon_lol.
Fiquem calmos, pernambuco virou uma ilha tropical. Icon_razz
Episódio 1:

Imagina se não ia ter colégio/estudantes envolvidos, né?
A primeira coisa que me veio na cabeça quando vi o Slaine foi: "L-elf"? A cor do uniforme, a cor do cabelo...
Que tenso a lua destruída... Icon_eek Ficou só o pó... os caras querem cheirar o pó da lua pra ficarem doidões... carai.
O cara bêbado cracudo tem a voz do Zoro! Hahaha!
Ai, curti esse Slaine. Sei lá, acontece assim. Não sei quando acontece e como acontece. Assim como não sei dizer que tipo de anime mais gosto. Pois gosto de yaoi e tem um monte de animes ridículos. Gostdo de mechas e tem um monte de inassistíveis. Sei lá, tá ligado? Mas não gostei do mané que bateu nele!
Legal que tá tendo uma guerra que não é só pelo atentado que a Terra fez à princesa de Marte. E legal também a cena da cidade se apagando pela descida do bagulho lá. E as criancinhas fazendo desejo de paz... junto com a música de fundo ficou show!
Enfim, vou assistir sim, sem dúvida! Ótimo anime!
Timeline de Aldnoah.Zero

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Apollo 11 landed on the Moon

Apollo 17 found remains of ancient Mars technology on the moon surface. A teleportation device was unearthed in the ruins, which made travel between Earth and Mars possible. It was named "Hyper Gate"

United Nations proposed the Mars development project and signed by the member nations. The resources on Mars would not for military purposes. The signing of the treaty was what actually ended the cold war. For the first exploration, Professor Ray Regalia was the lead.

Mars development centre was set up and mankind started to move to Earth. First settlement involved 340,000 people.

Ray Regalia suddenly turned again Earth and yearned Mars to armed itself. United Nations tried to contain the conflict by force but the situation escalated.

Ray Regalia was arrested under the crime of disturbing peace but the retention centre was attacked and the professor freed. The conflict escalated further.

Ray Regalia formed VERS Empire. As it was a single side declaration, the Mars was in the state of closed country.

As precaution to VERS Empire, nations on Earth formed the Earth Federation and the cold war between them and Mars began.

It was revealed that Earth Federation's military actually took bribes from civilian manufacturing companies. The scandals dealt a blow to the Earth Federation's position.

Atlanta, São Paulo and Bombay were bombed in large scale terrorist attacks. 3267 deaths. Mars organization took credit for the attacks. Anti Mars rose among earthlings.

Ray Regalia retired due to illness. His son Gillsaia ascended to the throne.

VERS Empire declared war on Earth and used their military robot Cataphract to attack Earth Federation's bases on Moon. In the fierce battle, the Hyper Gate lost control and the Moon was heavily damaged. The disaster was named "Heaven's Fall". Debris from the moon formed the satellite belt. Gillsaia, who was fighting on front line was KIA. The two force decided to cease fire. Ray Regalia returned to the throne and Gillsaia's first daughter, Princess Asseylum was born.

Earth Federation and VERS signed the peace treaty. The military forces were called back and a neutral zone was set up.

VERS mass produced their space ships and a route between Mars and Moon was set up. Most of the Mars Knights resisted the call back orders and stayed within the moon area. The peace treaty was actually ignored on Mars' sides.

Due to Heaven's Falls, the political situations on Earth were unstable and there were multiple large scale riots. To suppress the riots, Earth Federation used the Earth made Cataphracts, which were developed after the war, for the very first time.

After Earth Federation ended the riots, the situation stabilized.

In the 10th anniversary of the war end, nations held celebrations and peace meetings. Two side were walking towards peace.

Earth Federation continues to promote good relationships with VERS and the peace talks are still ongoing.

(06/07/2014, 20:50)Raffael Escreveu:
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[Imagem: rogU78v.jpg]

Crueldade isso que fizeram com o Brasil... Icon_lolIcon_lol

a zoeira nem existe nesse mundo :/
editado: spam

Foi um começo interessante, mas bem corrido. Fiquei um pouco confuso sobre a história de guerra entre Marte e a Terra, já ela apareceu em segundo plano. Mas deu pra notar que o anime será bem agitado daqui pra frente. Na expectativa, eu gostei do que vi. Nota 8,0
Esperava algo bom, mas superou as expectativas!
Linda animação, boa ost, character design legal, enredo interessante e Kalafina pra fechar com chave de ouro.
Eu pensando que o personagem principal ia pegar um daqueles mecha pra salvar a princesa, que nada...
Bom que agora já vi que não será só coisas manjadas.
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