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Listagem de animes da temporada de Outubro (Outono) de 2012

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Aparentemente assistirei no mínimo 01 episódio por dia.
Detalhes sobre Psycho-Pass numa entrevista. Fiquei mais animado. A idéia do projeto já é antiga.

Here are more details from the full interview in Newtype between Koji Yamamoto (FujiTV, noitaminA producer) and Takeshi Wada (Production IG, currently runs Wit Studio and is producing Psycho-Pass and Robotics;Notes):

- The idea originally came up because Sony was remaking Spiderman. Yamamoto felt that Production IG also had strong properties which have been dormant for some time - Ghost in the Shell, and Patlabor. But instead of remaking them, he thought it would be good if they made something brand new in that same direction instead. The concept being "a cop series".

- The project started coming together about 2 years ago. They decided who would be the producers and the chief director pretty early. It seems the chief director (we know its Motohiro now) was definitely something FujiTV wanted.

- What Yamamoto wanted for the show was something like Inception, but done in an anime form which can show off the Japanese animation industry's ability to also create major scifi works like that. Inception is very popular, Ghost in the Shell is very popular, people overseas respect these works, etc. You get the picture.

- Yamamoto was also the one who had the idea to get Amano involved in the character designs. The reason for this is because he feels that her artwork has a more adult taste in them, and she's also popular with both male and female demographics, so it would be a more gender neutral style which can appeal to older audiences as well.

- The story and science-fiction world setting is something which the chief producer and the script writer (Urobuchi!!) planned out together. Some of the details and ideas evolved along with Amano's designs however. It seems that both the Dominator gun and the wrist bracelet computer they use to calculate Psycho-Pass measurements are things which developed from Amano's preference for gadget designs.
- What Yamamoto wanted for the show was something like Inception, but done in an anime form which can show off the Japanese animation industry's ability to also create major scifi works like that. Inception is very popular, Ghost in the Shell is very popular, people overseas respect these works, etc. You get the picture.

Só essa parte já me animou o suficiente. PP pode se tornar um dos meus favoritos da temporada.
Já saiu informações sobre a op e ed de psycho pass não?
(12/09/2012, 12:58)Thanos Escreveu: Já saiu informações sobre a op e ed de psycho pass não?

só sei quem cantará...
pela minhas fontes não tem título das músicas...

Aguardando ansiosamente por Jormungand e Initial D
(12/09/2012, 13:51)barafael Escreveu: Aguardando ansiosamente por Jormungand e Initial D

Tou contando os dias pra Initial D cara..

Eu adoraria mais se ele planejassem um remake dos 3 primeiros stages, ver aquela maravilha em HD não tem preço ^^
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