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Enquete: O Hanekawa deve mudar de nome em 2015?
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Hanekawa Tsubasa Tsubasa Tiger [Open Thread] 2014

Tópico em 'Vale tudo' criado por jasque em 31/12/2013, 23:00.
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14216 respostas neste tópico
pagina 999 flw.
(16/03/2014, 01:28)z.e.t Escreveu: pagina 999 flw.

(16/03/2014, 01:25)llNoNickll Escreveu: [Imagem: 10014588_546621382121358_321728434_n.jpg]

JULHO = bishounen

Tão eu...!
Citar:Lololol so apparently Miniskirt Space Pirates was an accidental name. Sasamoto Yuichi just gave his original draft a random name-

Decided to just keep the name anyway without ever telling him. He deeply apologizes for this in the back of volume 1. Hahaha.

Half of the afterword is him apologizing to long time fans for confusing them with such a shitty name. Hah!

"Wait, chief editor! If you submit my novel with that name, I get the feeling I'm going to lose something very deep and important to me"
"In the end, I lost due to my inability to come up with an interesting/image provoking/impactful title."

Eu ri muito disso Icon_lolIcon_lolIcon_lolIcon_lolIcon_lolIcon_lolIcon_lolIcon_lolIcon_lolIcon_lolIcon_lolIcon_lol
Post 9990.
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