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Tópico em 'Vale tudo' criado por Feer em 16/06/2013, 20:50.
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1003 respostas neste tópico
já virou piada Icon_lol
[Imagem: 969186_243580952433189_1654086046_n.jpg]
(18/06/2013, 02:35)chriss Escreveu: já virou piada Icon_lol


Colaborando então (já postaram do Kid Bengala, mas faltava da Palmirinha)
[Imagem: 1001768_530491646999312_485404130_n.jpg]

Beleza, vamo zoar mais um pouco.

Reportagem do Folha
Tão na primeira pagina do imgur. Icon_lol

Motherfucking futebol.
[Imagem: 1zrmh.gif]

Citar:llllllllllllll 453 points : 9 hours ago reply
BBC, LA times, NY times, Washington Post, RT, business insider, CBS, USA today, the guardian, etc., all have articles on the protests.

llllllllllllll 153 points : 9 hours ago reply
Just because you didn't read it on facebook/twitter doesn't mean it's being "ignored" by the mainstream media.
centration 12 points : 6 hours ago reply
This. A lot of people don't consider things as 'covered by the media' unless it's plastered across their faces everywhere they go.
nihaowithasianeyes 5 points : 5 hours ago reply
just 20+ yr olds pumped up for anything that's anti-establishment. ppl just shout revolution and suddenly hive-mind takes over.
sowetoninja 11 points : 3 hours ago reply
This is propaganda, playing the victim asking for support. The problem with social media is that a few can do a LOT of talking...
Ouch, bem na cara dos protestantes.
Ontem aqui em Porto Alegre foi interessante de se ver Sorrisão
Eu sinceramente não to ligando muito pra esses protestos não, mas acho que é valido postar isso...

[Imagem: BlMlj72.jpg]
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