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Batendo uma chapa de Raio-X com fita durex!

Tópico em 'Vale tudo' criado por Panino Manino em 19/01/2012, 17:14.
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28 respostas neste tópico
(22/01/2012, 21:08)Night Escreveu: Efeitos de guerra fria, mas os russos eram práticos e geniais. Enquanto os EUA gastavam milhões fazendo uma caneta para gravidade ~0 os russos usavam lápis hu@

No fim das contas eles desenvolveram várias coisas também, mas a maioria foi no campo da mecânica e matemática pura e aplicada, principalmente para passar e contrapor a dos americanos. Dai vieram geometrias onde um triângulo pode ser feito com semi-arcos, engenharia balística 3 e 4, fabricação de navios cargueiros muito semelhantes com os atuais, o famoso AK e outras cosias como tecnologia aeroespacial (que era mais avançada na URSS). Uma pena mesmo é eles terem feito isso tudo e grande parte do conhecimento foi roubado/ignorado pelos ocidentais no período de decadência do socialismo.

é lenda essa parada do lapis, :p

não lembro como os URSS fizeram pra escrever no espaço,
mas lápis era inviavel.
Vamos fingir que lápis não tem grafite porque a história é mais legal.
Hello my name is John. I was to search in this Forum here, for "Fita Adesiva". I was in thousands of onlineshops from Brazil, but not one of these onlineshops ships to Germany... 

for policy: 

it is my hobby from each Country a roll Silver Tape to collect.. so.. WORLDWIDE xD hehe^^.

The Clou is the Fact that the Country has produced the Silver Tape on itself ^^

I really hope someone here would be willing to help me...because i feel really helpless by searching a good onlineshop from brazil that ships to Germany....

I would transfer the money in advance to a paypal address or bank account... but I am of course aware that you can get ripped off easily -.-.. 

but I have NO Choice ...*sighs* IF i want to have that damn tape, thenn either by a Private Person, or even NOT at all Triste

I know i'm in the wrong Forum you DONT need to tell me that.. i was searching with google-picture-search for "Fita Adesiva", and THIS Forum here was one of the Results :/...i dont got the Nervs to search any longer, because Your Language is really Pretty Complicated and Difficult for me Sorrisão hehe Lingua...And by the Way, i dont know in what Forums i would have to search and ask for that Tape Alegre....

If someone here wants it, He or She can of course send me a Link to a specialized forum where it exclusively to adhesives and adhesive tapes goes ^_^...

P.s. I hope I have not upset anyone, and i hope you understand English Sorrisão ^^
[Imagem: Padeouro.jpg]
(20/01/2012, 06:08)Goro Shigeno #56 Escreveu: Os russos são um dos povso mais inteligentes do mundo, por isso usam essa inteligencia pra fazer armas.


(22/01/2012, 21:08)Night Escreveu: Efeitos de guerra fria, mas os russos eram práticos e geniais. Enquanto os EUA gastavam milhões fazendo uma caneta para gravidade ~0 os russos usavam lápis hu@

Lápis solta pózinho de grafite. Você não vai quer saber o que acontece quando pozinho de grafite entra em máquinas sofisticadas.
(07/03/2013, 14:28)Shizomania1 Escreveu: Hello my name is John. I was to search in this Forum here, for "Fita Adesiva". I was in thousands of onlineshops from Brazil, but not one of these onlineshops ships to Germany... 

for policy: 

it is my hobby from each Country a roll Silver Tape to collect.. so.. WORLDWIDE xD hehe^^.

The Clou is the Fact that the Country has produced the Silver Tape on itself ^^

I really hope someone here would be willing to help me...because i feel really helpless by searching a good onlineshop from brazil that ships to Germany....

I would transfer the money in advance to a paypal address or bank account... but I am of course aware that you can get ripped off easily -.-.. 

but I have NO Choice ...*sighs* IF i want to have that damn tape, thenn either by a Private Person, or even NOT at all Triste

I know i'm in the wrong Forum you DONT need to tell me that.. i was searching with google-picture-search for "Fita Adesiva", and THIS Forum here was one of the Results :/...i dont got the Nervs to search any longer, because Your Language is really Pretty Complicated and Difficult for me Sorrisão hehe Lingua...And by the Way, i dont know in what Forums i would have to search and ask for that Tape Alegre....

If someone here wants it, He or She can of course send me a Link to a specialized forum where it exclusively to adhesives and adhesive tapes goes ^_^...

P.s. I hope I have not upset anyone, and i hope you understand English Sorrisão ^^

I'll try to help you.
To : Melysugar: Yes, I can upload a Picture of my Collection^^. The most of my Tapes are from U.s.a.. but i also have tapes from England, and from Italy and from Germany^^...The next Tape that i would like to Collect is from the Portuguese or Brazilian Producer "Adelbras", the Silver Tape. It is available in a lenght of 5 and of 10 Meters. I saw Brazilian Onlineshops with very Cheapy Prices.. the only Problem is, like i allready yesterday was to told, that they do not ship to Germany ^^.

To: nightdragoninja: !000 Thanks that you want to help me! The Tape that i want to collect is from the Producer Adelbras.. the Silver Tape. If possible with a lenght of 10meters. If it is available with 10 meters in lenght, then i woult take 5 or 6 Rolls from the Tape, that i have my 50, 60 meters Alegre

Here is a Link for You nightdragoninja ---> <--- here you can get the Tape really very pricey, very Cheap...

if you take it for 7 reais, then i would transfer 35 for the Tape and 76,79reais for the Shipping costs... 76,70 reais are 30,25 €, and 30,25 € are 39,71 US Dollar^^
if you take the Tape-version for 8,60 i would send for the tape 43,00 Reais, and 76,70 reais for Shipping costs Alegre...and..of course a litte financial gift for You, for the Stress that you maybe have Piscada
hmm Oo....
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