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(2011Q3) - Mawaru Penguin Drum

Tópico em 'Ano 2011 e anteriores' criado por martec em 08/07/2011, 20:48.
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558 respostas neste tópico
Ganhando muitos 5/5 no MAL e muitos elogios.

To quase pra ver spoiler, xo fechar issaque Sorrisão
OH MEU DEUS, o esforço que estou a fazer para ficar longe do RAW e spoilers ;_;

Já há muito tempo que um anime não me deixava assim... tão ansioso Icon_e_sad
Não vou falar que eu assisti junto com /a/, postei em thread épica e sei o que é o penguindrum!

O episódio é muito bonito tem um final satisfatório (raro para animes) e acho que esta foi a maior trolagem do Ikuhara.

Bem o penguidrum é
voce sabera quando assistir e ficara chocado pois ele esfregou ele o tempo todo na nossa cara

Agora estou esperando os subs em ingles. ( E o filme aonde o penguindrum
não aparece mas a Himari vira um trem

Ah obrigado Panino por editar o meu post e martec pelo tuto.

Eu fiquei meio boiando com o ep...
Entendi bem melhor depois de ler spoiler nos blogs japas.

final do nível da série.

De toda forma, oq aqueles garotos tavam falando no primeiro ep, seria na verdade um tipo de spoiler da série como toda.

[Imagem: 2d10ldh.jpg]
final tava tava épico até os 18 minutos
depois desanda totalmente Icon_e_ugeek
Eu.... estou sem palavras xD

Bom, o autor conseguiu passar muito daquilo da entrevista.
Como naquela parte que mostra como eles foram jogados do nada dentro de uma família.
Ou quando o Tabuki fala que muitas pessoas sofrem como eles.

Eu quase chorei em 2 partes ><
Declaração do Shouma e a mensagem final dos irmãos.

Agora... re-assistir tudo eu acho...

Quase 50 páginas Sorrisão

Mas o tópico do GC vai passar xD.
Vou postar uma coisa interessante que eu achei no /a/, esta em inglês. Só reproduzo aqui pois as threads do /a/ são soluvies então vai.

>A purposeless Shouma saved Himari and gave her a family, thus shared his apple with her; Himari was henceforth given a purpose, but keep in mind that Shouma received nothing in turn. Then Kanba gets accepted into the family and Himari gives him the bandaid to keep the pain away, thus Kanba decides he'll do anything for her; here Himari was unknowingly sharing her apple with Kanba, because she gave him a purpose. Kanba was able to actually receive the apple because he wasn't completely empty and devoid of purpose like Shouma himself was, as Kanba already had precious people he wanted to protect (Masako and Mario, his words on the cage are a reference to them) as such his "box" was able to connect to the outside world, if only for a moment and the apple reaches him. And when he shares it with Shouma, Shouma's purpose becomes precisely that: Himari no Tame Ni + Kanba = Takakura Family's wellbeing.

>That's the reason why Shouma is so single-minded about keeping the family united; because thats' what gave meaning to his existence, as such was what he inherited that day Kanba shared his apple with him. He, however, still remains kind of empty and from that comes his apparent uncapability to love, but Ringo comes around to change all that. When Ringo (whose name speaks for itself) comes around, she effectively becomes an apple for Shouma, a "whole" one all to himself, and she fulfills the part of Shouma that had remained closed-off to the world. He isn't able to accept it however until he lets his barriers down. The key difference here is that Ringo's metaphorical apple didn't give him a purpose, as he already had one, but gave him the will to break the chains of fate and be assertive, which is what he lacked.

Yuri and Tabuki talking about needing to be loved, and that is the apple. Being loved gives life meaning. Without this they would just 'become invisible', they would be unneeded and might aswell not exist, equivalent to death.
This explains why Kanba broke apart and a flash fo the Child broiler was shown, he gave up his whole purpose (his half and the half Shouma gave back) and became invisible, he died. Whereas Shouma had an apple to himself, which he sacrificed in place of Ringo causing him to die in the flames.

Himari was the lamb chosen to die by the curse. This is why such lengths were needed to save her.

The cages represent their lives and social interacting, they are what Sanetoshi was talking about: "the box calles 'self'", the walls between people. Kanba and Shouma were 'unwanted children' and were starved of love, until Kanba received some from Himari. This was shared with Shouma creating their family. This shared love giving both of them life was eventually put back together to give life back to Himari who had died. (It may be a little hard to wrap your head around the apples, Penguindrums being both a metaphor for love/purpose and an actual thing giving life.) They were never released from their cages, they just shared between them and were not starved. Sanetoshi never found love or a purpose, and no one reached out to him as Kanba did to Shouma. He was alone in his cage with the walls seperating him from everyone else, he hated the world and wanted to destroy it.

"Simply put, the apple is also a reward for those chosen to die for love."
>Because both boys chose love in the end (like the apple dialogue in episode 1 says), they both are rewarded with their own apples, making this "just the beginning."

These 'apples' are their Penguindrum. Shouma gave Himari, Himari gave Kanba, Kanba gave Shouma. Mawaru Penguindrum.
Ok, terminei de ver e posso afirmar que é melhor anime de 2011.

Conseguiu fazer personagens que odiava no inicio passar a ser meu favorito, quebrar trocentas teorias e ainda mostrar um final que, mesmo sendo de certa forma na nossa cara, surpreendente.

(23/12/2011, 12:14)mahousenshi Escreveu: Vou postar uma coisa interessante que eu achei no /a/, esta em inglês. Só reproduzo aqui pois as threads do /a/ são soluvies então vai.

>A purposeless Shouma saved Himari and gave her a family, thus shared his apple with her; Himari was henceforth given a purpose, but keep in mind that Shouma received nothing in turn. Then Kanba gets accepted into the family and Himari gives him the bandaid to keep the pain away, thus Kanba decides he'll do anything for her; here Himari was unknowingly sharing her apple with Kanba, because she gave him a purpose. Kanba was able to actually receive the apple because he wasn't completely empty and devoid of purpose like Shouma himself was, as Kanba already had precious people he wanted to protect (Masako and Mario, his words on the cage are a reference to them) as such his "box" was able to connect to the outside world, if only for a moment and the apple reaches him. And when he shares it with Shouma, Shouma's purpose becomes precisely that: Himari no Tame Ni + Kanba = Takakura Family's wellbeing.

>That's the reason why Shouma is so single-minded about keeping the family united; because thats' what gave meaning to his existence, as such was what he inherited that day Kanba shared his apple with him. He, however, still remains kind of empty and from that comes his apparent uncapability to love, but Ringo comes around to change all that. When Ringo (whose name speaks for itself) comes around, she effectively becomes an apple for Shouma, a "whole" one all to himself, and she fulfills the part of Shouma that had remained closed-off to the world. He isn't able to accept it however until he lets his barriers down. The key difference here is that Ringo's metaphorical apple didn't give him a purpose, as he already had one, but gave him the will to break the chains of fate and be assertive, which is what he lacked.

Yuri and Tabuki talking about needing to be loved, and that is the apple. Being loved gives life meaning. Without this they would just 'become invisible', they would be unneeded and might aswell not exist, equivalent to death.
This explains why Kanba broke apart and a flash fo the Child broiler was shown, he gave up his whole purpose (his half and the half Shouma gave back) and became invisible, he died. Whereas Shouma had an apple to himself, which he sacrificed in place of Ringo causing him to die in the flames.

Himari was the lamb chosen to die by the curse. This is why such lengths were needed to save her.

The cages represent their lives and social interacting, they are what Sanetoshi was talking about: "the box calles 'self'", the walls between people. Kanba and Shouma were 'unwanted children' and were starved of love, until Kanba received some from Himari. This was shared with Shouma creating their family. This shared love giving both of them life was eventually put back together to give life back to Himari who had died. (It may be a little hard to wrap your head around the apples, Penguindrums being both a metaphor for love/purpose and an actual thing giving life.) They were never released from their cages, they just shared between them and were not starved. Sanetoshi never found love or a purpose, and no one reached out to him as Kanba did to Shouma. He was alone in his cage with the walls seperating him from everyone else, he hated the world and wanted to destroy it.

"Simply put, the apple is also a reward for those chosen to die for love."
>Because both boys chose love in the end (like the apple dialogue in episode 1 says), they both are rewarded with their own apples, making this "just the beginning."

These 'apples' are their Penguindrum. Shouma gave Himari, Himari gave Kanba, Kanba gave Shouma. Mawaru Penguindrum.

Hum, interessante, manter isso em mente quando eu rever essa série no futuro (tem muita coisa que não lembro, principalmente dos primeiros episódios).

De fato foi uma das melhores séries do ano, não sei se foi a melhor porque preciso reavaliar ela e Madoka também. Mas foi fantástico, quem conseguiu prever o final que atire a primeira pedra.
Bem, esses 24 minutos foram os mais épicos do ano inteiro. As caixas não ocuparam tanto tempo e eram necessárias pra entender o final. Terminou bem a série, espero mais séries do Ikuhara, isso é se ele fizer.

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