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Interview with Tanigawa-sensei

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10 respostas neste tópico
Here, I'm @LuisGuilherme. We are from Brazil and if it's possible we would like to do this "short" interview with you (it's really important for us). I do not have better options to do this without bothering you, so I hope it's ok... shall we start?

1° 君は誰ですか?いつ頃から美術とか絵に興味を持ち始めたのですか?漫画家として仕事を始まる前に何処かの専門学校で勉強したのですか?

2° どうして漫画家になろうと思ったんですか?そのきっかけになった理由は誰か、それともなにかの作品ですか?一人で漫画を描き始める前に誰かと組んだ事はありますか?

3° 普段殆どの漫画家は、自分の新作が世界中の中で最も素晴らしい作品だと思っている事を除いて、谷川さんが描いてる二つの漫画は単純なところがとても気に入っています。そし​てその漫画が外国でも有名になる可能性の事をを考えたことはありますか?(私達はアマゾンから買って、今はただ届くのを待っています。)

4° 4chanで谷川さんの新作漫画は好評で、いろんな人から応援されていることをどう思っているのですか?あなたの作品を買い求めている方達と広報している方達を含めて。ち​なみにあそこで智子は Spaghetti-tanと呼ばれています。ネタ的な意味で。(笑)

5° ちょく!を読んだときに谷川さんはちょっとおかしい人だなという感想を持ちました。ほんとにそうですか?(笑)それとも実は無口で、何もすることないから普段話さない、す​る筈がないことを考えているんですか?

6° どういう理由で"私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い!"の登場人物を普通に描くのになぜ智子だけが目とか、表情とかがかなり違うんですか?

7° 沢山の読者達が、漫画の主人公と共通点を感じる事が結構在る事をご存知ですか? 智子は何らかの組織の代表になるように赴けられた人物ですか?

8° 芹花は考えずに喋るし、正直すぎるキャラだし、智子は考えすぎて結局なにもしないキャラでそして最終的に最初にしたくないと思っていた行動をとってしまう。その二人には何​の関係があるんですか?

9° 面白い漫画だけど、いろんなところで智子を可哀想な子だと思っています。谷川さんと智子の関係はなんですか?彼女は誰ですか?谷川さんの一部?友達?娘?それとも、ただ苛​めたい誰かさん?

10° 私がモテ(略は残念ギャグ漫画としてとても面白いし、ちょく!より現実的で、いろんな悲しい事実を描いてる漫画です。そういう現実を感じさせる作品だと思っています。そう​いう要素をどう引き出しているのですか? 非意図的にしていることですか? それともただ谷川さんが社会に、人に、どういう風に考えているのを現しているんですか?もしかしたらなにかを伝えたいんですか?それともただそれを見せる仕事をしているん​ですか?

11° 外国でも谷川さんの漫画が出版される期待はありますか?

12° そのときまで私達は日本人が言う”違法ダウンロード”を使って読むほかありません。そういうことにはどんな意見を持っているんですか?それがなければ谷川さんの作品に出く​わす機会もなかったし、このインタビューもありえなかった。

13° 最後に谷川さんの銀行口座を教えてくれませんか?そしてどのぐらい振り込んだらサインした単行本をもらえるんですか?(笑)

You can answer any way you want. But please, tell me via twitter when you do that and if you gonna do it. Is a pleasure for us to have a bit of your attention. Keep your excellent work :3

この場合は結構の方が適しているかもしれませんが (笑)

丁寧な返答にとっても感謝です。 ブラジル人のファン達が喜ぶでしょう。
Queria pedir para ela se tem alguma foto ou caricatura/auto-retrato que ela possa passar para ilustrar a entrevista.

Queria pedir isso mais o tradutor do google está complicando.
黒木 智子 はかなり女の子です?
A Tomoko é uma menina bonita, ela foi feita para ser uma menina bonita?
The Tomoko is a beautiful girl, she was meant to be a pretty girl?

Eu acho ela bem atraente.
I think she's very pretty.


Preciso falar com você.
I need to talk to you.

Por favor, aguarde até que eu traduza isso
Please, wait until i translate this

Meu Deus...
não use google translation para isso.
Fica coisa muito bizarra Icon_lolIcon_lolIcon_rolleyes

Recomendo deixar em inglês do que deixar isso...
Acho que é mais entendível.

A capacidade de tradução de EN-->JP que esse google translator tem não chega nem 10% de capacidade de tradução para PT-->EN. E piora ainda mais se for de PT-->JP.
Vai lá você então. Traduz aí.
Tanigawa-sensei, thank you very much for your attention, we are really grateful and happy.

Hence also, we would like to give you feedback on your answers and on his mangá as fans.
You for your answers seemed to be a mangaka without pretense, just by chance you like to draw your stories and had the opportunity to have them published. I don't know how much success yout mangás make in your country, as a fan I hope they continue to do more and more success over time, and answer your question, in fact all kinds of manga is popular here, we are readers like all others and we like interesting stories, no matter the scenario. And if you ask me, no matter if the school is brazilian or japanese high school is a very remarkable phase of our lives for everyone and it is natural that these stories are well accepted anywhere on the planet if they are not too unrealistic.

You call yourself surprised by your manga is so popular in countries as distant and different. Want to find out the reason in my opinion?
In the first place I asked you this interview not because I could, after all, is very easy go to Twitter and send a message to you. I also did not ask the interview because you could accept. The exact reason why I asked for the interview of being YOU, you and nobody else, and being aoubt YOUR manga, exactly this manga and no other.
The reason I want this opportunity to talk to you is only for being yourself, Niko Tanigawa. I didn't want to do it with anyone else. It could be the Ozamu Tezuka, the god of manga, I would not trade the opportunity to talk to you even if was him, and this is exactly the same reason because yput manga do so much success in other countries.

This has two reasons.
1- In the interview you said that does not attempt through your manga say what you thought about your student days, who in your own words was agonizing. You just have ideas for chapters and drawn.
You also said you have a healthy relationship with Tomoko. She may habe a bit of you but you say you are not sure, and even though she suffers those funny and tragic events you do not want hurt her. It is a neutral relationship.
2 - You said in the interview that did not create Tomoko for her to represent any kind of person, but hoped people that could understand her to identify themselves with her. You don't think people that understand Tomoko are people who understand you? Tomoko is your creation, a part of you. You are the person who most understands her, Tomoko's mind is your mind, so when I as a reader understand what Tomoko feels and I identify me with her, I'm not understanding and identifying me with you?

This is the reason for the success of your manga.
You say you didn't want to pass any messages neither represent anyone, and you just by chance end into in tune with a crowd of people. It's for not force anything through your manga the reason we like it so much. We feel your manga and you are both sincere (honest, heartfelt, straightforward, open-hearted, simple-hearted).

This "meme" symbolizes this:

[Imagem: 2ldavq0.jpg]

We feel that Tomoko could be one of us, and we could do the same things she does. In fact, some people REALLY do.
We feel that you're one of us, who happens to be drawing all we feel.
I'm not saying by this that we are like Tomoko, or want to be her. Merely say that you can speak on our behalf by Tomoko, and equally to tomoko we feel bad for those situations represented in your manga.

Tomoko and you enchanted us deeply, therefore your manga was so successful here, and why we want to know who you are.

In Question 5 of the interview that you already answered, you said to be a person akin to Tomoko.
That was the most revealing answer.
When we read (when I read mostly) we get the feeling that "we already knew." This manga could not have been designed by someone other than "one of us." But do not grieve, we don't think badly of you the same way that we don't think badly of ourselves. As you yourself wrote in chapter 12 of your manga we are not socially "excluded", we are "misfits", which means that we can "adjust" in the society we want.

You said you did not expect yout manga could do so much success in countries as far away.
But at some point you thought that this success would not be just in number of sales? You, a person with no friends, who have paranoia, and claims to be scorned by men and women were able to win the hearts of so many people you did not even know existed? That even though you speak so little anda rarely you had so much to talk to so many people? That so many people might understand you through Tomoko and smile for you?

That is why I asked for this interview, for being with you.
On behalf of thousands of other anonymous people around the world, I say we want to know more about you and take this opportunity to maybe you can learn more about us. You could answer some more questions? You could also speak a little more about yourself, or at least what you think?

I'm just asking.
If you accept you can take all your time to think and respond the way you believe is best. But you can also refuse this my request and don't need to explain why. First of all I wanted to tell you everything I wrote here, wish you good luck and thank you again for your time.
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