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Hanekawa Tsubasa Tsubasa Cat THE THIRD - Kuro version 2013 - [Open Thread]

Tópico em 'Vale tudo' criado por jasque em 30/12/2012, 01:05.
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27598 respostas neste tópico
(16/03/2013, 10:53)leokun Escreveu: Nojento.

Não tem moderador on para lhe julgar, façam a festa...
Spoiler: ...  
só que não

Me julgar porque?
To de olho.gif
(16/03/2013, 15:43)jasque Escreveu: To de olho.gif
Relaxa xD
(16/03/2013, 15:44)chriss Escreveu: Relaxa xD

senão não encaixa
(16/03/2013, 12:53)rktales Escreveu: Sempre quis mencionar o 早乙女ルイ

E não consigo.
Eu leio japones por isso não tenho problemas, mas como vocês leem o nome dele? "luiz' mesmo?

(16/03/2013, 12:47)leokun Escreveu: Também quero ler tudo de uma vez, mas o anime não me deixar o fazer. Até agora terminei de ler apenas JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 01: Panthom Blood.
É na parte 03 que esses poderes especiais que se parecem com invocações aparecem, ou aparecem apenas em Jojolion?
A partir do 3.

[Imagem: 20121115112403_55_1.jpg]
Actually é o nome artístico de uma atriz porno japa, Saotome Rui.

Mas Rui é também um jeito de escrever Luiz, Louis etc. em japa.
[Imagem: GXjdtMF.jpg]
[Imagem: hYUZ3.gif]

O que fizeram com meu pub vale tudo?
Citar:E-readers bring savings to USTRANSCOM
By Bob Fehringer, U.S. Transportation Command

SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. – It’s only a matter of time before paper and ink join typewriters, floppy disks and vinyl records as answers to trivia game questions.

The popular Kindles, Nooks, tablets, smart phones and the like make the personal access display devices (PADDs), used in Star Trek episodes and films look like stone tablets, in comparison.

So, it’s only natural that electronic read-books, or e-readers, eventually replace paper-and-ink-books in our lives.

With this in mind, the Intelligence directorate at U.S. Transportation Command has introduced electronic tablets similar to iPads or Kindles, to replace the paper process for daily use.

According to Master Sgt. Matthew Parr, USTRANSCOM Intelligence directorate, the devices were the first operational tablets in the Intelligence Community.

“They are the daily intelligence products we deliver to all the USTRANSCOM directorates that provide an overview of current and emerging events for leadership awareness,” Parr said. “Last year we began a pilot project to transition our classified intelligence read-books from paper books to electronic tablets.”

“We have since implemented the transition with a great deal of support and assistance from General Fraser (Gen. William M. Fraser III, commander USTRANSCOM),” Parr continued, “as well as kudos from the JCS/J2 (Joint Chiefs of Staff-Director of Intelligence Defense Intelligence Agencies) and DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) Director Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, for our innovation and forward leaning on this new Intelligence Community practice.”

The e-readers not only keep USTRANSCOM leaders up to date, they help save time and money.

“We stopped printing paper books at $36,000 per year,” Parr said, “and the new process takes less than one hour as opposed to the 4.5 hours it took for the old process. The tablets and our processes have been adopted by five other COCOMS with an annual DOD savings of roughly $1.3 million.”

Kindle ftw
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