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Tópico em 'Discussões gerais' criado por martec em 23/07/2014, 09:40.
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Anunciado o Anime da Novel de Mobile Suit Gundam Twilight Axis

[Imagem: y6UUmfh.jpg]

An official website has opened and announced that novel Mobile Suit Gundam Twilight Axis will get an anime adaptation. The series will stream exclusively on Gundam Fan Club in June 2017.

Universal Century 0096. Several months have passed since the incident surrounding Laplace’s box also known as the Universal Century Charter. The Earth Federation Forces dispatches a group of investigators to the severed Axis which is drifting outside the Earth Sphere. Two civilians participate as members of the research group: Arlette Almage and Danton Hyleg. Both have pasts with government service to the Principality of Zeon and Neo Zeon as an engineer and test pilot. Having infiltrated Axis, the investigators come under attack inside a base where no one should be. Arlette and Dalton are confronted with an incident they never imagined. (Source: Zeonic Scanlations)

Director: Se Jun Kim (Mobile Suit Gundam AGE key animation)
Story, Concept Design: Ark Performance
Mechanical Director, Chief Animation Director: Shingo Abe (One Punch Man key animation)
Art Director: Hideki Nakamura (Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis)
Music: Takashi Oomama (Joukamachi no Dandelion)

Novel site:
Official site: 
Official Twitter: @g_twilight_axis

Teaser PV

Para desavisados este gundam se passa depois do Gundam Unicorn!!!
Eu to boiando eternamente para os gundam, o universo é grande e eu nunca consegui ver muita coisa.
Mas se pa eu olho este, pq o Unicorn eu vi tbm.
Só vi o Gundam Wing e o Build Fighters, o resto nunca vi. É muita coisa :O
[Imagem: L5qfuxm.png]
Anunciado o Novo Anime de Ghost in the Shell feito pela Production I.G
de bom só monogatari hm...
Não digam isso, vai ter alguns animes bons sins, não serão muitos, e não serão tão bons assim, mas ainda assim teremos animes legais pra assistir. Tem que acreditar galera, tem que acreditar.
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