05/01/2014, 15:17 |
Tem muitas frases impactantes que me marcaram nos games, algumas épicas como por exemplo:
"Yes, we will destroy god. That is our purpose... That is our destiny!" Grafh de Xenogears
''If a human and an esper can love one another... Do you think a human and I could love each other?'' Terra Branford de FFVI
''Sephiroth!? Did Sephiroth do this to you?! Sephiroth... SOLDIER... Mako Reactors... Shin-Ra... I hate them all!!'' Tifa de FFVII
''Dwarven Vow #7: Goodness and love will always win.'' Colette, Genis e Llyoid em Tales of Symphonia
"Yes, we will destroy god. That is our purpose... That is our destiny!" Grafh de Xenogears
''If a human and an esper can love one another... Do you think a human and I could love each other?'' Terra Branford de FFVI
''Sephiroth!? Did Sephiroth do this to you?! Sephiroth... SOLDIER... Mako Reactors... Shin-Ra... I hate them all!!'' Tifa de FFVII
''Dwarven Vow #7: Goodness and love will always win.'' Colette, Genis e Llyoid em Tales of Symphonia