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[Games, consoles e Publishers] NEWS 2015

Tópico em 'Jogos & Consoles' criado por Edward Elric em 11/04/2015, 11:29.
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142 respostas neste tópico

Bloodborne with shields
Esperando anuncio da Paradox na Gamescom. Aparentemente será um Grand Strategy espacial... não exatamente meu tema favorito, mas no fim das contas acabo comprando qualquer jogo da Paradox.

Stellaris, novo Grand Strategy espacial da Paradox.
Paradox fazendo um bom trabalho na gamescon


Endless Space 2 anunciado para 2016.

Multi Racial Population
Each Empire will consist out of multiple races, the ones you started with and the minors you assimilated (maybe also the ones you conquer, but that is unconfirmed). Each of those will have different needs and desires so it gets harder to keep them all happy. That is important because of...

Every 40 turns a new leader will be elected (unknown if there are other styles of government besides democratic) and depending on the makeup of the parliament based on the election and the political platform of each party there are different policies that can be passed which affect science and production

Battle Plan
You can now make Battle Plans before the combat starts. That includes plotting the course of each ship group (or capital ship) on a 2D plane and assigning targets. Once the planning is done the battle runs automatically and can't be influenced. So it is a bit like Gratuitous Space Battles

Amplified Reality
Amplified Reality which we have seen in the trailer is actually in the game. By pressing space the orange overlay pops in and displays more information.

More immersion/narrative
The Narrative impacts the game a lot stronger but no details were mentioned.


De nota:
  • Trocaram Ruby por JavaScript. Tanto faz, por mim - preferia programar em Ruby, mas dá na mesma no fim das contas.
  • Suporte para resoluções decentes, finalmente! De longe era o maior problema da engine. E deixaram em aberto para ser alterado com script, ou seja, não vai ficar ultrapassado com o tempo.
  • Multi-plataforma, incluindo celular com touch e web. Nada mal.
Expansão do Guild Wars 2 lança daqui uns dois meses; o jogo base virou free:
Como cagar um bom jogo:


>summer 2016

Bom, acho que ainda tenho tempo pra comprar um ps4
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