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[Kickstarter] Little Witch Academia

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44 respostas neste tópico
(09/07/2013, 03:36)Saymon Escreveu: Atualizando: 1 dos Franciscos desistiu lol

2 já
lol 5 doaram 2k e 3 10k
já conseguiram 120,000
Nem vou doar, dropei o OVA na metade, mas acho a ideia boa.
And that's Trigger for you.

1 dia e já conseguiram mais do que foi pedido. Como eu já disse, nada é coincidência.
(09/07/2013, 05:06)Night Escreveu: And that's Trigger for you.

1 dia e já conseguiram mais do que foi pedido. Como eu já disse, nada é coincidência.

Foi em menos de 5h. Mais do que justo.
"Thank you!! We've Already Reached our Goal!
Update #1 · Jul 9, 2013 · 132 comments

We never expected to see this amount of support coming out on the first day of our Kickstarter project going live. To think we managed to reach our goal in under 6 hours is absolutely unbelievable, and we could never have done it without you! We'd like to let everyone know that we are reading everyone's comments and messages, and we will be going through every question with the team and updating the FAQ shortly.
Furthermore, we will be letting everyone know our stretch goals as soon as possible! We were taking the project one step at a time and never expected the project to reach it's goal so quickly - but rest assured that we will take everyone's comments into consideration and come up with some stretch goals that the fans will be proud to support! Just bear with us for a few days while we discuss what is best for the project!
Thanks again to everyone who has supported this project, whether you pledged or simply shared it with your friends! You can expect an update with more details very soon!"

250k quase

isso vai acabar virando série pra tv
(09/07/2013, 19:47)jasque Escreveu: "Thank you!! We've Already Reached our Goal!
Update #1 · Jul 9, 2013 · 132 comments

We never expected to see this amount of support coming out on the first day of our Kickstarter project going live. To think we managed to reach our goal in under 6 hours is absolutely unbelievable, and we could never have done it without you! We'd like to let everyone know that we are reading everyone's comments and messages, and we will be going through every question with the team and updating the FAQ shortly.
Furthermore, we will be letting everyone know our stretch goals as soon as possible! We were taking the project one step at a time and never expected the project to reach it's goal so quickly - but rest assured that we will take everyone's comments into consideration and come up with some stretch goals that the fans will be proud to support! Just bear with us for a few days while we discuss what is best for the project!
Thanks again to everyone who has supported this project, whether you pledged or simply shared it with your friends! You can expect an update with more details very soon!"

250k quase

isso vai acabar virando série pra tv

Série de TV acho que não, pois precisaria de contrato com emissora, produtora e etc. 

Como é um projeto que está sendo financiado pelo Kickstarter de maneira independente, no máximo vira uma série mas de OVAs.

O que é melhor, pois podem trabalhar na animação de cada episódio com cuidado e sem pressão.
Ou de repente um longa metragem

Bom, eu senti uma pitada de judeu ai nesse povo da Trigger agora...

Mas tem um lado bom, aparentemente o Kill la Kill será 2 cours já que mandaram o tempo de produção do filme/OVA de LWA2 pra 1~2 anos.

No mais... já que a Trigger está lendo os comentários, vou fazer um post grande pedindo para adaptarem Hoshi no Samidare. Quem sabe os deuses não ouvem meu clamor?
goodsmile faz figma é uma boa
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