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(2013Q4) - NouCome

Tópico em 'Ano 2013' criado por martec em 01/09/2013, 09:24.
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Bom, vamos ver as situações em que o protagonista irá se meter.
[Imagem: DaoRIYy.jpg]
É hoje rs Icon_razz
Eu li um comentário agora fiquei curiosa:
Well. This series was one of the biggest surprises I have had in years while doing these first impressions. And I’m not kidding. The premise of this series is a horrible excuse to make a cute girl fall from the sky and do the bidding of the main character. It looks and sounds exactly like your umpth obnoxious harem show. Every single character is your obnoxious harem cliché that has been done to death, and all of the female characters have these annoying squeaky voices. This should have been utterly horrible. This should have been a contender with Yuusha Blahblah and Walkure Romanze for the worst show of the season. And yet the creators gave it the best rendition that it possibly could have had with these horrible ingredients. This episode had me in stitches. I laughed so hard at times. I’m not going to spoil why. I just applaud this show for doing what I thought was impossible.
(09/10/2013, 18:10)Jessi Escreveu: Eu li um comentário agora fiquei curiosa:
Well. This series was one of the biggest surprises I have had in years while doing these first impressions. And I’m not kidding. The premise of this series is a horrible excuse to make a cute girl fall from the sky and do the bidding of the main character. It looks and sounds exactly like your umpth obnoxious harem show. Every single character is your obnoxious harem cliché that has been done to death, and all of the female characters have these annoying squeaky voices. This should have been utterly horrible. This should have been a contender with Yuusha Blahblah and Walkure Romanze for the worst show of the season. And yet the creators gave it the best rendition that it possibly could have had with these horrible ingredients. This episode had me in stitches. I laughed so hard at times. I’m not going to spoil why. I just applaud this show for doing what I thought was impossible.

Caramba então deve ser o Utena dos haréms do jeito que ele falou
Ep 1

Eu estava esperando um harém genérico qualquer e então dou de cara com um 1° episódio completamente maluco e engraçado, nem preciso dizer que vou continuar. As escolhas que o protagonista é obrigado a fazer são ridículas e acontecem nos momentos mais impróprios (o que garante boas risadas). Não sei o que esperar dessa doideira toda, mas que eu gostei desse 1° episódio isso eu gostei. Adorei o início falando sobre como as diferentes escolhas influenciaram a história do mundo e no final a cena da loirinha caindo do céu foi ridiculamente absurda. Icon_lol

Ps: E é verdade, esse episódio pegou os piores clichês de animes harém possíveis pra fazer uma salada doida que me fez rir bastante. Icon_lol
O posto de anime mais doido da temporada já tem dono, acho que vou me divertir muito com essa bagaça. Icon_lol
que anime mais fumado lol

ri demais na parte das escolhas, com certeza vai ser um dos mais engraçados, não esperava muita coisa alem de donas bonitas. 
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