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(2013Q3) - Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei - The Animation

Tópico em 'Ano 2013' criado por martec em 19/06/2013, 20:49.
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549 respostas neste tópico
Impressão minha ou a melhor OST do game não tem no anime?
Como esperado, já teve morte logo no episódio seguinte ao trial. Corrido é pouco.

Tu jogou SDR2 em japonês mesmo?
(25/07/2013, 14:54)Bruno Jordani Escreveu: @Thanos

Tu jogou SDR2 em japonês mesmo?

Não. Eu acompanho o Lets Play.
Vou pro segundo class trial Icon_e_biggrin

Acho que descobri algumas coisas, mas não faço idéia de como aconteceu...

E eu já sei o culpado, levei spoiler =/
(e acabo de levar outro sem querer lol)

Spoiler: jogo - caso 2 - altas revelações não abra se não tiver jogado  

Fujisaki só falava bem com homens...

A princípio eu achava por isso que o culpado era trap, mas levei spoiler que quem é trap é ela lol

E esse deve ser o segredo dela que o Monokuma ia revelar

Sendo ela a trap, ela deve ter tentado hackear o electro id pra mudar o gênero para feminino, por isso que ficou danificado, apesar de ainda poder ser usado no vestiário.

Ou seja, o crime deve ter ocorrido no vestiário masculino, a culpada usou o cartão do kuwata pra entrar.

E levou o corpo pro vest feminino, pois corpo não conta como pessoa... 

Porque o carpete e o poster foram trocados...?

Respingou sangue neles, então mudar só o corpo de vestiário não bastaria.

Acho que é isso.

Terminei, realmente não deu pra acertar lol

De novo C no MTB, vou penar nos próximos que vai ficar cada vez mais difícil

eu gosto da Celes
As coisas acontecem uma atrás da outra, mas fazer o que se o tempo é contado. Por um lado é bom pelo ritmo mais frenético, só que é bem ruim por não termos tempo para desenvolver os personagens (ou mesmo simpatizar muito com eles). Só não entendi porque tanta personagem para rolar a cena do banho (até a Sakura Icon_lol), mas optam justo pelo Naegi.

O caso realmente parece ser mais interessante (como da última vez, as coisas apresentadas pelo Monokuma serviram de estopim) e agora é aguardar o trial (além de processar algumas pistas apresentadas). Por fim, finalmente entendi o motivo de uma revelação sobre personagem (que até foi dita por aqui) ser considerado spoiler, afinal ela acaba sendo uma peça chave sobre as motivações do crime Icon_rolleyes

Que Opening mais bizarra Blink
[Imagem: 0n9gAVZ.jpg]
Acabei vendo o ep mesmo depois de dropar

Dessa vez não faltou pista né? Apesar de muito corrido.

Deixaram até o depoimento da Celes.

Só faltou mais info sobre a Fujisaki, se não me engano não falou muito sobre ela e ela quase não teve participação.
(26/07/2013, 14:37)jasque Escreveu: Acabei vendo o ep mesmo depois de dropar

Dessa vez não faltou pista né? Apesar de muito corrido.

Deixaram até o depoimento da Celes.

Só faltou mais info sobre a Fujisaki, se não me engano não falou muito sobre ela e ela quase não teve participação.

Sim. Pista tem bastante e até que dá para montar algumas coisas só no episódio (obviamente que a motivação fica bem complicada, pois eu só tenho uma leve ideia justamente sobre o spoiler que tomei de um personagem). 

Imagino que o Trial do próximo episódio deva ser bem interessante.
Ep 4

Mais uma morte ocorrida logo apos o 1° julgamento e a abertura de um novo andar... Assim como não deu pra conhecer muito da Moizono, do Leon, e até aquela mesma que foi assassinada pelo Monokuma, agora de novo Fujisaki saiu de cena também pelo menos pra mim com muita pouca aparição... Se me lembro bem, foi só no começo e agora Icon_lol
Talvez o único que tenha uma abordagem maior seja o Naegi...
Se eu tiver entendido bem as pistas tenho até certeza do assassino devido de como as coisas aconteceram...
Faltou muita coisa sobre o Genocide Shou.

Por exemplo, no jogo é claro que a maioria dos personagens conhecem o Genocide Shou, desde o primeiro capítulo onde comentam informalmente, mas no anime só foi ser citado agora. 

Coisas que ficaram faltando, dos episódios anteriores, não tem spoilers, só detalhes. Vale a pena ler se quiser ter mais insight do caso.

Spoiler: Detalhes adicionais.  
-The anime skipped the early part of the chapter. Makoto is still mourning a bit Sayaka's death, and checking his bathroom, he notices it is perfectly clean, as Monokuma has promised after the trial. He actually stated he took care of the corpse as a token of consideration and hygiene for the students. Of course, none could pay respects/last rites for either Sayaka or Leon. It is as if nothing happened.

-Speaking of hygiene, we learn from the first chapter trial that Touko doesn't take any shower, much to everyone surprise. This information is learned when she argued that the culprit could simply wash splattered blood. Her argument was rebuked as no water is running starting from 10PM to 7PM, which she obviously didn't know because she doesn't take shower. This explains Byakya comment in this episode.

-The first chapter also revealed that the "Genocider Shou" case is common knowledge among students, although the rumors indicating the serial killer rampage could be counted in the thousands made it look like a urban legend instead. The person who brought out that subject was Chihiro to begin with, who was scared that the one who adbucted all of them was none else than Genocider Shou. 

-The timeline is a bit different: They investigated the new floor right a bit after the trial, but before night time. The next day, Byakuya doesn't show up for their daily "canteen meeting" which made people worried. It turns out he was in the library, and the events turned a bit like in the anime, except there wasn't any argument between Mondo and Kyotaka, just Byakuya admonishing Chihiro's claims they should stick together, and Mondo being pissed off by Byakuya being willing to tag along with Monokuma's game.
Next day, as Byakuya doesn't show up again (and optionally Touko), Mondo thinks they should him somewhere, definitely dangerous for the group. Makoto thinks it goes too far and Kyotaka agrees, which sparks some disagreement between them. Meanwhile, Chihiro is depressed and call herself weak for being unable to do anything and being called so by Mondo. He just says it is natural for girls to be weak, but his voice was so strong it startled again Chihiro. Bewildered, he promise he won't yell at her anymore, giving her his man's honor. Comforted, Chihiro still thinks she is a weakling, and she ought to go stronger, to which Sakura claims she would always welcome her should Chihiro wants to tag along Sakura and Aoi for their sport training. Later the same day, Kyotaka and Mondo have their argument, and there we go with the Sauna (located in the first floor, in front of the canteen). The next day, we have the 2 brothers event and Touko stalking Byakuya. Only now we got Monokuma new incentive because he felt students are still not serious at the mutual killing. Then, after that day, Chihiro was found dead.

In short, days are like this:
Day 0: Leon's trial + 2nd floor
Day 1: Byakuya going solo
Day 2: Chihiro comforted, and the sauna competition
Day 3: Kyotaka and Mondo "brothers mode" + Touko stalking Byakuya. Incentive about students secret occuring prior night time
Day 4: Chihiro's corpse is found at the women changing room of the pool.

-Only the second floor of the school area has been unlocked. The third floor of the school area and the second floor of the dormitory are still off limits.

-The enveloppe Makoto found was actually quite dusty if you didn't notice. The actual content is a bit longer, here is the full text:
Notice from the Kibougamine Academy Administrative Office
For many years, Kibougamine Academy has dedicated itself to the cultivation of world-class talent. The academy -operating under special government sanction-has a long-stannding tradition of producing the highest quality graduates in all fields, many of whom are still flourishing in society. 
Nevertheless, it has come to pass that this glorious work must, for the time being, be placed on hold.
We bitterly regret having to make this decision, but the grave problem which has arisen has our hands tied.
However, this does not spell the end for Kibougamine Academy.
We fully intend to reinstate operations as soon as the aforementioned problem has been demedied.
In conclusion, we would like to offer our sincerest thanks to everyone who has provided their support and assistance over the years.
And, in addendum, we would like to make it known that we are waiting to receive approval from the relevant branches of the government before formally ceasing operations here at Kibougamine Academy.

Kyouko concludes that the Administrative Office basically stated they closed Kibougamine Academy activities, and judging from the envelope, it happened like more than a year ago.

-When Chihiro was found dead, everyone was shocked, but Touko was even moreso to the point she collapsed. However, the anime skipped this: she quickly wakes up and looks like she is going to snap, talking in a very incoherent manner. Kyotaka and Aoi escorted her back to her room. 

-Mondo and Sakura are once again the watchmen.

-People were scared that since it is possible that Genocider Shou was behind this murder, the serial killer could potentially start a killing spree. However, Monokuma attests thathe will only allow 2 victims per case at most and will act should the rule is broken (to be sure it won't be boring that everyone dies by the hand of a psychopath). Sakura wants to know why he didn't set the limit to 1, but Monokuma still wants his fun, and only 1 victim isn't really a killing spree either hence 2.

E no anime teve pistas faltando e incorretas também. Embaixo todas as pistas, as em azul são as que faltaram no anime.

Spoiler: Pistas  
Important detail: Please note that Byakuya was actually investigating on his own. He didn't prompt Makoto to follow him. 
However, when Makoto checked the changing room, he notices that the men changing room was unlocked. At this very moment, Monokuma announces that all the doors are unlocked for investigation purpose.
Only after that Byakuya shows up and comments how the women changing room looks suspicious.

All the clues for chapter 2 are below. As usual, dark blue highlighted ones are missing in the anime adaptation.

-Fujisaki Chihiro was found dead in the women changing room of the pool. Time of death approximately around 2:00AM. The cause of death was a blunt trauma on the head leading to an instantaneous death. 

-After checking the Monokuma File, Makoto is forcefully enrolled by Byakuya to be his assistant in his investigation.

-A bloodied dumbbel was found nearby. The carpet where the corpse is standing on has a large blood stain, however Sakura notice the protein coffee stain she made the day before isn't there anymore.

-Makoto thinks that Chihiro might have been killed elsewhere, but Sakura believes she most likely went there by herself, as she kept saying she gotta be stronger. Makoto is baffled that she would show up around 2AM, but Sakura speculates that Chihiro did it on purpose so she can avoid Sakura and Aoi who often use the sport facilities on daytime. So Sakura concludes Chihiro was avoiding them, as she and Aoi kept inviting her, but to no avail. However, Sakura believes Chihiro didn't do it by herself, as she wanted to be with someone. 

-Mondo comments that Chihiro had quite a complex about being weak, so she kept saying she gotta be stronger, and this finally happened. He is however clueless why Chihiro is so obsessed by that.

-Byakuya and Makoto are outside of the changing rooms, and Makoto tries to have clarification regarding the lock. Monokuma explains to him that you can only enters with the appropriate Electronic Student Handbook (ESHB for short) that correspond to your own gender as well. If 2 people try to go there together, they will be executed by the machine gun. Furthermore, you cannot lend your handbook to anyone. Makoto then concludes that only girls could enter, but Byakuya remarks he is just having a lame train of thought and that the rules does NOT state that you could -borrow- a handbook, and Monokuma gleefully confirms that loophole. Monokuma even states that dead persons don't count as people in his book, but Makoto still think it is still "lending" somehow, to which Monokuma doesn't even explain.

-Byakuya drags Makoto to the entrance of the school, and the latter found out the clue: ESHB of those who passed away are stored in the letterbox (the same Kyouko found in the anime). Makoto could boot Sayaka's, and understands now the "borrowing" loophole, as you can make use of the ESHB of those who died. Byakuya could boot Junko's, but the third one, Leon's looks broken. Of course, considering how Leon was executed, it sounds natural that the ESHB would break. However, Monokuma barges in and states clearly that this kind of punishment means nothing to the handbook and could even withstand 100m water pressure and the likes. However, there is still one weakness to the ESHB, but Monokuma refuses to explain this part. He finally concludes that Leon's ESHB wasn't broken.

-Byakuya tells Makoto he is certain that Genocider Shou is the culprit and will uncover the killer's identity. He has proof for that, thus he leads him to the Archives, but Aoi shows up at that moment and tells them Touko is acting funny.

-Touko refuses to leave her room. Before closing the door, she apologizes to Byakuya, regretting that she couldn't keep her promise and thus will do everything to prevent Genocider Shou to do anything.

-In the archives room, Byakuya explains that this room contains many cold cases files that are secrets to the public. He knows full well because the Togami family has a similar archive room. The files reveal that Genocider Shou Modus Operandi is always the same with 2 specific features: A onimous bloody message and a cruxifixion. However, while the first point is public knowledge due to the media, cruxifixion is only known by the high ups in the investigation groups. Therefore, Byakuya believes it isn't a copycat but the genuine Genocider Shou at work. 
Makoto has a look at the file, and he is shocked to see many victims: Harada Ken (32), Honda Tetsuhiro (17), Shouji Gaku (23), Kanno Issei (14), Yoshida Takeshi (30),...
All of them were killed and crucified in exactly the same manner, with sharp scissors and a onimous bloody message with it. 
Makoto also learns the profile of Genocider Shou that the police has done so far: Murders occured only late at night on weekdays or more notably the afternoon/evening on weekends. As result they believe the serial killer is a student. Also, the suspect stays around for a while and variably flees the scene in panic, without any sighting from witness whatsoever. So the police speculate the culprit might have a Dissociative Identity Disorder.

-Makoto notices that the desk lamp in the archive room is similar to the one in the library. Furthermore, an empty box was spotted with some dust making Makoto guess there was an extention cord there, but Byakuya never saw that cord when he checked the archive room. 

-Once done, Byakuya leaves and let Makoto on his own.

-Checking once again the library, Makoto notices the desk lamp cannot be lit, and figured that the power cord is too short. Weirdly enough, he was certain that Byakuya was reading a book when he assisted Touko in her stalking.

-Back to women changing room. Kyouko tells Makoto to carefully inspect Chihiro's body. Also she noted that her ESHB has gone missing.

-Upon inspection, Makoto notice that Chihiro's hands are tied with an extention cord, and not a rope.

-In the men changing room, Makoto notices that there is a weird stain on the carpet.

-Outside of the changing rooms, Hifumi tells Makoto that Celes spotted Chihiro before the curfew. Makoto found her in the storage room, and Celes explains she talked with Chihiro in the storage room, the latter packing in haste a tracksuit in a bag before leaving quickly.

-In the canteen, Makoto talks with Aoi who explains that Chihiro was sort of avoiding her and the other girls, while she was pretty comfortable talking to the guys.

(26/07/2013, 14:50)Blanky Escreveu: Ep 4

Mais uma morte ocorrida logo apos o 1° julgamento e a abertura de um novo andar... Assim como não deu pra conhecer muito da Moizono, do Leon, e até aquela mesma que foi assassinada pelo Monokuma, agora de novo Fujisaki saiu de cena também pelo menos pra mim com muita pouca aparição... Se me lembro bem, foi só no começo e agora Icon_lol
Talvez o único que tenha uma abordagem maior seja o Naegi...
Se eu tiver entendido bem as pistas tenho até certeza do assassino devido de como as coisas aconteceram...

Acredite, tu não sabe, a não ser que tenha chutado certo Icon_lol
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